All, doing a 5 minute freewrite. Thank you for reading.

Sammy was having such a good sleep after powering through her work assignment that was due today which will be used by her boss for a presentation the following day morning. However, while she enjoyed her good night of rest, she forget to do one thing that is of highest importance - to set the alarm clock.
While she put up loads of effort to do up the work, not being able to submit it timely to her boss is still a failed task. When she finally woke up, she realized that it was already 10.30am and she is late for work for 2 hours. She looked at her handphone, it had over 30 missed calls. Sammy knew she is in trouble and grabbed a cab down to her office.
Once the cab arrived at her office, she charged up to her office in a flustered manner. When she finally reached her office door step, her boss was there waiting for her.
He said, "You better count your lucky stars, sleeping beauty. Thankfully the client was unwell and unable to come in for the presentation. Otherwise, you probably going to lose your job by causing us a five hundred thousand contract loss."