in #hive-1611552 years ago

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Hey guys,

In the last few days, I've come to understand a certain fact that has always been right in front of my face but yet I was too sluggish to see, that no matter what social class you belong to, be it SOCIAL ELITES or the COMMON MASSES, one thing we all have in common is the allocation of time. We are all given the same 24 hours to do whatever we damn please with it.

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Thinking about this, I remember watching a movie called In Time starring Justin Timberlake as the main character, and the movie focused mainly on how time runs the affairs of the world, something more like what money does in our world today. I must add that the movie left me pondering on the fact what if the 24 hours we have in a day isn't even enough?

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And a funny truth, it's not.

It might be sad to accept it but when you come to understand the dynamics of how things work, one thing you will come to understand is that what is ours isn't really ours for sure yet until we make that bold move in claiming it. For me, I would say something more like being in a romantic relationship with someone in which the person isn't your partner yet until you take that bold step in making him or her yours, and I'm sure you know what I mean.
Just like The Richest Man in Babylon says


This quote proves that no matter the amount of money you make, everything isn't yours until you come to understand the law that governs money. Some of that made cash belongs to the boutique probably because of the new clothes you want to acquire, some belong to the hairstylist because of the new haircut you want to try out or some could even belong to Apple because of the new iPhone 14 you want to acquire. Because of all these, that is why the richest man in Babylon encourages saving some money to prove to oneself that this is actually mine to keep.

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Now, take this illustration of money and relate it to time, you will see that all the time you have in the world isn't yours to keep unless you make that bold move to keep some for yourself. Everything around is competing for your time, starting with social media, Netflix, TV, conversations, and many more. In fact, in the world today it's really difficult to spare some time for oneself because there are many things to do. For this, I'm a living example, only I know the hurdles I have to overcome to create personal time for reading.



Being occupied with work and other miscellaneous makes it even harder for me to have the time to blog but I just have to do it cause it's something I love. And this says it all, if you love something so much, you surely find a way to create time for it.

Lately, I have come to see why 24 hours a day isn't enough for most people. I have come to grasp the reason Tim Cook says he tries not to spend too much time in a meeting and why Jeff Bezos always tries to create enough time for his rest.

In the end,
Time isn't enough for humans to do all they want and that's why we should never waste it doing what we don't love or doesn't make us feel fulfilled.


Time keeps going no matter what we choose to do or ignore. I find it best to just stop doing those things that aren't fulfilling if at all possible. For example, sometimes it feels great to watch a movie or show. But if you do it all the time, eventually it just eats up all of your life.

You are damn right.

Everything around is competing for your time, starting with social media, Netflix, TV, conversations, and many more.

I can relate to this, though some may say that it is productive to do multiple task at a time I find it hard to focus on one thus extending more time to do everything. What I have learned is to at the very least try to check which are the items to be prioritized and stay focused to it. Netflix isn't included to mine as I am not watching such but chitchatting and all those unwanted stuff yes they waste a lot.

Being occupied with work and other miscellaneous makes it even harder for me to have the time to blog but I just have to do it cause it's something I love.

I feel you, I became busy these past few days also, what I'm doing is I'm writing 200 words per day until Saturday or Sunday came and that's the time that I will publish my article. and it makes me feel contented and happy as long as I can publish one.

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