Full Of Sunlight

in #hive-161155last month



Everyone in class wondered how cherry was always happy, how she was close to everyone in class and even few of the upperclassmen she was full of life of life. Few thought she was just faking trying to get everyone to like her but it wasn't so that's just how she was.

A month passed by and cherry was still not seen in school, her class mate questioned why she was absent from school for so long, they decided to ask a only friend who was an upperclassmen to know know why she was absent for so long, the response they got was heartbroken, they had just found out Cherry passed away from an illness. Only Cherry's friend and few of the school teachers were aware of her death since her parents didn't want her fellow classmates to know what happened to cherry.

A week passed after, her fellow classmates heard of her death, they decided to do something for cherry to commemorate her on the life she lived and while she was alive and how she shared her sunlight among others when they were at their darkest, she was known to be that ray of light to pop out of the bloom to brighten up your darkest hour,
She was full of sunlight.