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A garden of roses spreading it sweet fragrance,
A rush of crystal clear waters,
Tumbling over rocks magnificently hewn by nature,
A pool of a thousand white swans,
So much beauty and light in one sight,
But all this are a bright darkness,
To the spiritless soul,
That lies cold in the tomb!
A million rolls of nothingness,
Is the company of the one who lays quiet,
Beneath the reach of struggling lives outside.
So much joy but none matters to it,
Twice as much troubles but it shares none of it,
So cold so old,
Are the memories of one so gone!
It takes no counsel nor gives any,
For it time among men is ended,
Only the air it once breathed flies among men,
And it tells the journey as it had gone.
Such as period of lonely waiting,
For what exactly I don't know,
But so still it lies,
Oblivious of life as it swings,
By and Bye.