The Therapist | El Terapeuta. Mr. Hyde [Eng/Esp]

in #hive-1611552 years ago

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When we are no longer able to change a situation, we face the challenge of changing ourselves.

-Victor Frankl-


Carlos thought it was inconvenient to start researching only in texts or in any bookish form to address the psychological and emotional aspects of Francisco's personality. It was better to try to probe his actual behavior in the different environments in which he worked. The question was: How could he go unnoticed? He could no longer be a sheep, he had to become a chameleon, an octopus, mimic, disappear as some insects do in their environment.

He also thought it would be helpful to talk to friends who had some experience dealing with people with ambiguous behaviors like his therapist. His instincts were speaking to him very clearly, although he was aware that he was also feeling prejudice and fear - he wasn't sure which of the three feelings was driving him to behave as he was doing.

Carlos had found out that Francisco divided his working time between his office and the university, where he worked as a literature professor. He had two jobs and therefore his economic status must be good. What he did in his free time was one of the things that most intrigued Carlos. At the beginning of his investigation he wondered if it was not better to leave all that alone, and not set foot in that office anymore, but something told him that he had to make an effort to get to know his specialist, not only for himself, but also for other people who could perhaps be his victims.

The first thing he did was to keep an eye on his office, he wanted to know what other patients he had and how was his relationship with them. Apparently everything was going normal, until one afternoon a very young girl came into his office, a chauffeur brought her in a very luxurious car, dropped her off and left.

She was very beautiful, she couldn't have been more than fifteen years old and had the face of a rebellious girl. The time the therapy lasted was longer than the others usually took. When the young woman came out, her change was quite evident: her hair was loose and when she had arrived, Carlos was sure that she wore it up.

I was also sure that her clothes were different since at the beginning she was wearing a low-cut blouse and now she came out wearing a flannel. What was it that happened in there that the girl came out looking different than she had when she had entered.

As soon as she left, the luxury transport that had brought her arrived and she boarded it and drove off. After a while, the therapist came out with an expression of triumph and malice on his face, got into his vehicle and did the same. Carlos followed the car with his eyes and remained thoughtfully wondering: What kind of being was he dealing with? He did not hesitate to relate that face of satisfaction to that of the character Mr. Hyde after committing his crimes.

Thoughts swirled in his head, he now felt an unstoppable urge to find out absolutely everything about the character he had chosen as his therapist. What he witnessed ignited his detective soul. He had to meet this girl, go to her house, find out who her relatives were, what circumstances had brought her to meet Francisco and what was the nature of her relationship with him, if it was only professional or if there was something more.

Now he was the one playing the role of predator and the therapist his prey. He had to be cautious, not to despair, to wait for the right moments to approach those mysterious characters that were sure to keep appearing. His persistence in the office was beginning to pay off. Therefore, it was necessary for him to continue his vigilance in that key place to obtain the information he needed.

He told himself that for that day it was enough, he had to arm himself with patience, good hunters have it. As was his custom, he began to walk home without haste and without much desire to get there. The same situation as always awaited him there, that had not changed at all. He had already understood the spiritual principle that says that in order for external situations to change, the person within must first change. As inside is outside, as inside is outside was repeating itself with every step.

To be continued...


Carlos pensó que era inconveniente comenzar a investigar sólo en textos o en cualquier forma libresca para abordar los aspectos psicológicos y emocionales de la personalidad de Francisco. Era mejor intentar sondear su comportamiento real en los diferentes ambientes en los que trabajaba. La pregunta era: ¿Cómo podía pasar desapercibido? Ya no podía ser una oveja, tenía que convertirse en un camaleón, en un pulpo, mimetizarse, desaparecer como hacen algunos insectos en el entorno.

También pensó que sería de ayuda, hablar con amistades que tuvieran cierta experiencia tratando con personas de comportamientos ambiguos como el de su terapeuta. Su instinto le hablaba muy claro, aunque estaba consciente que también sentía prejuicios y miedo - no estaba seguro de cuál de los tres sentimiento era el que lo movía a comportarse como lo estaba haciendo.

Carlos había indagado, que Francisco repartía su tiempo laboral entre su consultorio y la universidad, donde trabajaba como profesor de literatura. Tenía dos trabajos y por lo tanto su estatus económico debía ser bueno. Lo que hacía en su tiempo libre, era una de las cosas que más intrigaban a Carlos. Al comienzo de su investigación se preguntaba si no era mejor dejar todo eso así, y no pisar más ese consultorio, pero algo le decía que tenía que esforzarse para conocer a su especialista, no sólo por él, sino por otras personas que quizás podrían ser sus víctimas.

Lo primero que hizo fue vigilar su consultorio, quería saber que otros pacientes tenía y como era su relación con ellos. En apariencia todo iba normal, hasta que una tarde entró a su consultorio una muchacha muy joven, la trajo un chofer en un carro muy lujoso la dejó y se marchó.

Era muy bella, no debía de tener más de quince años y tenía cara de niña rebelde. El tiempo que duró la terapia fue más largo del que por lo general tardaban las otras. Cuando la joven salió, su cambio era bastante evidente: su pelo estaba suelto y cuando había llegado, Carlos estaba seguro que lo llevaba recogido.

También estaba seguro que su ropa era diferente ya que al inicio llevaba una blusa escotada y ahora salía con una franela. ¿Qué fue lo que ocurrió allí dentro? que la muchacha salió con un aspecto diferente del que tenía cuando había entrado.

Enseguida que salió, llegó el transporte de lujo que la había traído y ella lo abordó y se marchó. Al rato, salió el terapeuta con una expresión de triunfo y malicia en su rostro, se montó en su vehículo y también hizo lo mismo. Carlos siguió el auto con la mirada y se quedó pensativo preguntándose: ¿Con qué clase de ser estaba tratando? No dudó en relacionar ese rostro de satisfacción con el del personaje Mr. Hyde después de cometer sus crímenes.

Los pensamientos se agolpaban en su cabeza, sentía un impulso indetenible por averiguar absolutamente todo del personaje que había elegido como su terapeuta. Lo que presenció encendió su alma detectivesca. Tenía que conocer a esa niña, ir a su casa, saber quienes eran su familiares, qué circunstancias la habían traído a verse con Francisco y cuál era la naturaleza de su relación con él, si solo era profesional o había algo más.

Ahora él era el que hacía el papel de depredador y el terapeuta su presa. Tenía que ser cauto, no desesperarse, esperar los momentos oportunos para abordar a esos personajes misteriosos que de seguro iban a seguir apareciendo. Su persistencia al apostarse en el consultorio empezaba a dar resultados. Por lo tanto era necesario que prosiguiera su vigilancia en ese sitio clave para obtener la información que necesitaba.

Se dijo a sí mismo que por ese día era suficiente, tenía que armarse de paciencia, los buenos cazadores la tienen. Como era su costumbre, comenzó a caminar hacia su casa sin prisas y sin muchas ganas de llegar. Allá le esperaba la misma situación de siempre, eso no había cambiado en absoluto. El ya había comprendido el principio espiritual que dice que para que las situaciones externas cambien tiene primero que cambiar la persona en su interior. Como es adentro es afuera, como es adentro es afuera se iba repitiendo con cada paso.


Translated with

¡Gracias por leer y apoyar!


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Do you know the legal name of @themarkymark ???? It is needed to contact his local police station. Any information to his whereabouts would be much appreciated.