Fell Dragon Book 8 Part 41

in #hive-1611556 days ago

Greetings All

Not much to say today, other than life always finds a way.

Malekai hadn’t stepped foot on the Saith planet in decades. He couldn’t help but feel the fear that the old queen of the Saith still inspired in him, despite her being gone now. He had to push that fear aside as he was rushed to his brother’s side. The only message he had gotten was the Saita and the Fell Dragon had finally faced off and Jethron was fighting for his life. No one knew where Saita was or what condition she was in. However, from the reports of the injuries the Fell Dragon had succumbed to, it didn’t leave much room to imagine that Saita wasn’t faring too much better.

Once at his brother’s side, he could sense his life force was all but gone. How he was still managing to keep himself alive was anyone’s guess. Malekai had to break this hold now or the Dekai would lose their king.

Jethron’s Saith family backed away as Malekai approached. He had the spell ready, had it upon his tongue, but then Jethron grabbed his arm with what strength he had left. The King drenched in sweat and pale, looked at Malekai and said, “No, I need more time.”

“What are you doing?”

Jethron ignored him and turned to look where Siar was standing with her mother.

“In Mother’s room. There’s a letter. It speaks of a secret. Take it to the humans while I can still maintain the link.”

“She is going to drag you down.” Hissed Malekai.

“No, not yet, please. After…after everything…must.” He looked to Siar imploringly. “Go!”

“You have no energy.” Argued Malekai as Siar and Silens ducked from the room.
“He might not, but I do.’ Said Sedeath as he knelt next to the king. “I think it is time I return. There is no need for the body.”

“It’s enough.” Said Jethron as a grimace of pain crossed his face. “Wait Malekai, I must know…”

“You are risking everything for a child that is likely dead.”

“Not dead. Just wait a little longer. Let Sedeath do what he must.”

What had felt like days had only been a few hours. Doran and Red-Eye had been returned to the human secondary planet where Saita was quickly taken from them. That was hours ago and now Doran was sitting in the waiting room with the rest of Saita’s family and Red-Eye who was lying in the corner of the room snoring. He was exhausted but before he had drifted off, he had said he would go back to Saith, but he needed to rest first.

Doran was sitting on the floor with his back to the wall. He hated how silent it was amongst those who were gathered. They were all reeling from shock after seeing the Fell Dragon’s remains. Despite the body being guarded and covered, eventually, news spread about who and what the Fell Dragon was. Doran knew there would be uproars and protests later. Concern over the human queen becoming like the thing that had all but destroyed their world.

The human soldier leaned his head back against the wall and tried to wrap his own head around what had happened in the cage. What had he been witness to? Was Saita the new Fell Dragon now or not? What was going to happen?
He looked around at those who were gathered around him and wondered if she had told any of them. He doubted it. If she had, they all would have been watching her more closely. Doran dropped his head forward. Then there was the slim chance that perhaps Bolx and Aidan were still alive, even though Red-Eye doubted it, not after what he had done to them. Doran thought it kinder to rather say nothing. He looked up at the clock again and couldn’t remember the last time he had slept or eaten. He was desperate for rest, but he couldn’t leave, not after everything.

It would be the following day before they got any news. Jarah made his appearance, and everyone jumped to their feet to get answers. The doctor looked exhausted and seemed to struggle to find the words he needed to say.
“I can splint broken bones, I can stop internal bleeding, and I can stitch wounds, but there is nothing I can do for a broken heart.” He said softly. “She is exhausted, emotional, and can’t handle seeing all of you right now. She is stable but in a lot of pain, I can only give her so much painkiller.”

Doran felt the doctor’s eyes on him, and he nodded his head. He knew why, but also knew it wasn’t his place to say anything.

“She’s asking for you to come sit with her Myla but don’t expect too much from her. She’s been going in and out of a catatonic state since we finished working on her. We did everything we could but there were some losses. Don’t push her too hard.”

Myla got up from where she was seated and followed the doctor, steeling herself for what she was about the see. She had been shown the Fell Dragon and it had shattered her image of her daughter and she was terrified that if she looked at the woman now, she wouldn’t be able to find it in her heart to forgive what had been done to her planet and people.

However, as soon as she saw her daughter propped up staring out towards nothing, she could only feel grief. The choices Saita had had to make her entire life had all accumulated to what now sat before Myla.

“Her left leg was savaged and there was nothing we could do. The only way to stop the bleeding and infection was…” started Jarah.

“I can see her injuries myself, Jarah.”

Myla wanted to sit on Saita’s left side but found the hand she wanted to hold was bound across her chest. Myla ran her hand over Saita’s shoulder, feeling the injury that had caused the bone to snap under the pressure of a maw. Saita didn’t even twitch.

Myla braved going to the right side and sat down. Half her daughter’s face was covered, and the other appeared swollen and discoloured. Her grey eye had a thousand-yard stare, and she didn’t even acknowledge her mother as she sat down. Myla gently placed a hand over Saita’s only exposed hand and stayed there, waiting for Saita to say anything. But she never did.

They sat together for hours and now and again, Saita would snap out of her stupor to shed a few tears, only to return to her catatonic state. Myla had come to understand the mental anguish Saita had been going through with the loss of those around her. All she had wanted was to end everything and now that she had woken, she didn’t know if there was a place in this world for her anymore. Myla didn’t bring up anything about her daughter’s final fight. She tried to keep the conversation light, but there wasn’t much she could say. She had wanted to get her daughter to eat something, but Jarah pointed out that Saita had broken her jaw and wouldn’t be eating for some time.

They sat like this for hours and the longer they sat, the longer the catatonic states became. Myla knew it was shock and pain and she was going to query Jarah why Saita wasn’t getting more painkillers when a furious Saith entered the room.

“Are you insane!” shouted Siar as she threw a letter onto Saita’s lap.

Saita didn’t even budge and continued to look at nothing.

“Did he know? Or did you only tell Saasha?” demanded the Saith as she came to stand at the base of the bed.

Jarah tried to calm the warrior down, but she then turned on him.

“You must have known. You’re her doctor. There was no way she could have hidden this from you.”

“I understand you’re upset but this is neither the place nor the time to have this discussion.” He said softly.

“No secrets. Isn’t that what you two promised each other? This is a pretty huge secret to keep from him.” Siar turned her attention back to Saita.

Saita finally looked up and met Siar’s furious gaze. The human queen took her hand back from her mother and picked up the letter that lay across her lap. She seemed to be reading it, and while she did, fresh tears dripped from her chin.
“What choice did I have?” she whispered through her teeth, unable to open the jaw that was wired shut.

Before Siar could answer, Saita continued.

“What choice did I have when I knew if I told any of you you would all protect me and die for it. Saasha and Brucel already got themselves killed trying to protect me because I confided in them. You all would have given your lives to protect me, and I couldn’t stand it. That’s why I never told anyone else.”

She sighed heavily and put the letter down, “Rather I risk two lives than everyone else who would step up to protect the one the Fell Dragon wanted.”

Tears of frustration came to Siar’s eyes, and she slammed her hands on either side of where Saita’s only foot remained. She was on the verge of crying and was trying to find fault with what Saita had said but knew it to be true. Everything her returned brother had left in this world was gone and it broke her.

Jarah snorted and tried to cover it up as everyone looked in his direction. He tried to wave their attention away, but Siar zeroed in on him.

“Do you find this situation funny, doctor?”

“Not at all.”

“Then why the snort?”

Saita turned her head to look at him before she said, “There’s no harm in telling anyone now. It’s over anyway.”

“Oh sweety, it isn’t, and I snorted because you thought you were risking two lives. You were risking three.”

If anyone was wondering what Shareik was doing all that time ago to change the strands of fate, this was the end result.

For those of you who have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here, Book 3 here, and Book 4 here, Book 5 here, Book 6 here, and Book 7 here
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
Races Explained
Royal Guard
Saasha’s Direct Family
Saith Characters Recap
Human Characters Recap
Alternate Timeline Brucel
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Part 40>>You are Here>>Part 42
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