Fell Dragon Book 8 Part 23

in #hive-161155last month

Greetings all!

I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend! The days are just flying at this point and I am not sure where this year is disappearing to.

Today is a nice up and I hope you all enjoy it. We all know that this has been a long time coming, so please enjoy!

“Red-Eye, do you understand the plan?” she asked as she paced the room the Wolven had moved them to.


“It’s vital that the fledgling doesn’t stumble across us. She must be the last. Do you understand? Can you support me in this?”

Red-Eye frowned. He didn’t know if what the First had said to her was true, but he had no way to find out the validity. She was desperate to be released and already had a backup plan in place. She would remove all those who weren’t meant to be present, and if that didn’t give her what she wanted, she would face Saita. He didn’t know what she was more gleeful about.

“I understand.”


“Everything.” He confirmed.

“Can I trust you to do this? Right to the end?”


“Good, then we make our move now.”

Saita’s eyes opened and she groaned softly when she realised the sun had already risen. She needed to get a move on. The meeting with Saseric was on a planetoid close by, one that was chosen as the first colony that would host reptiles and mammals. Pura had worked hard on this colony and now after almost two years it was starting to flourish, and the two rulers were to make an appearance. There were also other discussions that needed to happen.

While there hadn’t been Wolven attacks in some time, their corpses had been found, and no one understood why. The meeting was to share knowledge and see where they stood in their preparations for the coming storm.

Ignoring that the sun was rising, she rolled and snuggled closer to the still-sleeping Bolx. They had been up late last night with meetings and training, collapsing in bed without having showered. The Saith grunted and rolled to hold her for a few minutes.

“You need to get ready.” He mumbled.

“I didn’t mean to wake you.”

He opened his eyes and smiled at her, “Rather that then you sneak away without saying goodbye. I know the meetings with the lizard can take a while.”

“I wish I could postpone the meeting to come see Aidan.”

“I know. Don’t worry, by tonight you’ll have so much to talk about with him. Seeing as you have such an extended meeting, I decided to have lunch with my sister and the boys. You still have a home on the planet that she has been staying in. Says she is too lazy to look for her own place.”

“Hmm.” She closed her eyes and leaned her head against his naked chest.

Bolx let her snooze a little longer, hating that he needed to wake her up to start her day, but eventually, he rubbed her back to wake her gently.

“Time for a shower.” She muttered and got out of bed by clambering over Bolx.

The Saith made to get up and she just grinned at him, “I’ll really be late if you join me. You don’t have to be up for a while. Go back to sleep.”

The Saith flopped back into bed with disappointment but grinned at her as he waved her off to get into the shower. Saita chuckled as she made her way into the bathroom. She leaned into the shower to turn the water on and stood back waiting for it to heat up.

While waiting, she looked over her shoulder to look at the mirror that had been placed there a year ago. Bolx had taken to shaving with a small mirror, refusing to compromise her stand on mirrors where she could see her skin. Saita had watched him struggle with a small mirror, suffering nicks and cuts just to ensure she remained comfortable.

She had surprised him with the mirror and took a few positive steps to be more comfortable with what looked back at her. Long gone was the emaciated girl. She had eventually reached a comfortable body shape and in time most of the uglier surgical scars had disappeared, thanks to a little help from Jarah. The marks that littered her skin grew the way she wanted them to. It wasn’t as painful to see herself looking back at from the reflection.

Soon her image blurred as steam coated the mirror. She had allowed the shower to heat too much. Sighing, she leaned in to lower the temperature before climbing in. She calculated that she still had enough time to get some breakfast before Doran would come to find her to get ready to leave. She scrubbed at her hair and skin, rinsing quickly, and hopping out of the shower to get dry. She was still drying her hair as she stepped back into the bedroom.

Bolx was on his back, snoring softly. She marvelled at how easily he could sleep when he wanted to. This was a skill she really wanted but could never learn. She chuckled softly and opened the cupboard to pull clothes out for the day.

As she dressed, she thought of how much Bolx had added to her life. He had been with her every step of the way since she had returned. She doubted she would have become the rounded person that she was today if it wasn’t for him. It wasn’t even the big things he did. It was the little things, like never forcing a mirror in their bathroom, allowing her to choose the side of the bed she wanted to sleep on every night, and holding her when old nightmares caused her to wake with screams. While rare, it still happened, and Bolx had never once shied away from her remembered pain.

It was why she wanted to do this today. She didn’t know if he remembered, but today was the first time they had met all those years ago. She wanted him to remember it and she wanted more from him.

Before she closed the cupboard door, she removed the simple silver circlet that Pura had gifted her when he had stepped down. It was the last gift he had given her. She would wear it today to give the impression that she was queen.

Instead of placing it on her head, she moved to the side of the bed where Bolx was sleeping, with the crown still in her hand. She set it down on the bedside table and opened the drawer. The sound woke the Saith, who looked a little annoyed at first before he moved back and sat up. She handed him a brush and sat on the edge of the bed while placing an ornate box on the bedside table.
Bolx ignored the box and slowly started untangling Saita’s hair. It was a small gesture; one he had taken to doing after she had had several bad nights, and he was trying to soothe her. It had become a ritual after that. Saita didn’t know at first how much this would become one of her favourite things he did.

Once her hair was untangled Bolx reached for a hairband and started the plait the hair despite it being wet. He knew the planetoid she was going to would dry it in due time, resulting in curled hair later in the day. He loved that she grew her hair out, it made him feel as if he were in peaceful times. Once he was done, Saita stood up and took a deep breath.

“Happy anniversary.” She said softly.

Bolx was a little confused. They hadn’t had an anniversary before. It had never been clear when they had moved on from being friends to being lovers and partners, so they just never bothered with a set anniversary.

Seeing his confusion, Saita grinned and said, “I know it’s been a few years, but today was the day that I first met you.”

The Saith grinned and chuckled, “Really? I was so dumbstruck at seeing you I didn’t take notice of the date.”

She picked up the box and gave it to him. Puzzled, he opened the box to find two black and silver torque bangles. Both were the width of three fingers and open, allowing the wearer to shape them to their wrist size. Before he could ask about the significance of the gift, Saita started talking.

“I know you haven’t said it yet, but you know how I feel about you. I don’t want to wait to start the next part of our future together.”

Realisation dawned on the Saith. This was a proposal, one that was much nicer and thought out than his previous one. He ran his fingers over the metal and marvelled at the craftsmanship. He didn’t know what to say. There hadn’t been any changes in how they had been living their lives up to this point. He was perfectly comfortable being labelled as her lover, he never aspired to more if she was happy with their arrangement.

“There is no pressure. You can obviously take your time thinking about it.”

“How did you manage to do this and hide it from me?” he asked with a smile.

“Do you like it?” she seemed relieved.

“I do. It’s similar to Brucel and Saasha’s.”

“It’s where I got the idea from.”

Even though Bolx immediately wanted to give his answer, they were interrupted by a loud knock on the bedroom door.

“Saita, time to get going girl. I am not explaining to Saseric that we’re late because you two can’t keep your hands off each other.” Came Doran’s voice from the other side of the door.

“Coming!” She called.

She then turned to Bolx and grinned. She knew her gift had been well received but didn’t expect an answer immediately.

“I expect an answer when we both get home.” She said.

Bolx reached for her face and gave her the kiss she was waiting for. They remained like that for a few seconds before he let her go, saying, “I’ll have your answer when you get home.”

Her smile broadened and she half-danced from the room in joy. It had been some time since she had felt this level of happiness. Her life was turning out for the better, and even now, the thoughts of the Fell Dragon weren’t on her mind. All she really wanted to do was to get an answer from Bolx, but she knew she had surprised him, and he needed to think about what she had asked of him.

She pulled the door open, gave the Saith one more smile, and then stepped from the room, greeting the human that was waiting for her. She had been right about one thing, Bolx hadn’t expected the gift. Now that he thought about it, while he had been happy with where they were in their relationship, he had been thinking of their future and was wondering if Saita would be open to considering something a little more official.

While the thought of being King Consort was nauseating, he was willing to suck it up to be close to her. She had become his world and while he still missed Kaidan and thought of her from time to time, Saita had stepped into her role so smoothly.

Bolx took a single bangle out and tried to remember what the tradition was for rings and engagements for humans. Once he remembered, he slipped the bangle onto his right wrist and squeezed it to fold the metal around his wrist. As he looked at it, he thought about what Saita had said. She had told him that she loved him, but he had never said it back to her. He had always put it off, struggling to separate his true feelings, but now, he was sure. Now he could say it. He almost wanted to race after her and tell her, but he didn’t want to embarrass her.

He smiled as he got out of the bed and made his way to where his desk was. He found some paper and quickly wrote a note. He then left it in the open box that held the bangle that she would wear. He smiled. The note was simple.

I love you. I do.


For those of you who have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here, Book 3 here, and Book 4 here, Book 5 here, Book 6 here, and Book 7 here
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
Races Explained
Royal Guard
Saasha’s Direct Family
Saith Characters Recap
Human Characters Recap
Alternate Timeline Brucel
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Part 22>>You are Here>>Part 24
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