Fell Dragon Book 8 Part 42

in #hive-1611552 days ago

Greetings all!

It looks like I will have some time this week to do some decent work on Fledgling as I don't have a scheduled project to work on. The first time in over a year.

This piece was a tough one to write, as killing off Saasha was one of the hardest things I had to do. It was needed, and you can see how it still affects the rest of the characters.

Lardan was pleased that Doran had come to the memorial but was mildly surprised to see that Saita had come too. She looked terrible, nervous, and ill. He was well aware of the rumours that had circulated after the body of the Fell Dragon had been exposed. The humans had become terrified of their queen, wondering what it would take for her to become like the creature that had set rabid wolves on them. It wasn’t only the humans that were affected. Rumours spread quickly and the universe learned of the Fell Dragon and how it was created. People were able to find historical texts talking of Champions and their link to the Fell Dragon. It didn’t take them long to question whether the human queen was still a Champion or had become a Fell Dragon. There were those who tried to protect the queen, but the harsh reality was that no one was sure of what she was anymore.

Lardan had watched Saita as he gave the memorial speech, thanking all those who had risked everything to fight the scourge of the Fell Dragon. Saita had kept her head down throughout the entire ceremony. Lardan pitied her. Now that she knew she wore the face of the Fell Dragon, she was ensured that every time she looked into a mirror, it would result in her seeing the face of the murderer who took her and his family away from them.

Lardan looked to where Red-Eye was standing during the proceedings. Within a few days of being free, he had returned to the dungeon, asking to be collared and muzzled again. Lardan had only been too thrilled to comply until Doran had told him what had happened in the strange place he had been in.

He couldn’t imagine the Fell Dragon’s final act was to free the beast, yet it still came back to fulfill its promise. Practicing what he had told his father, Lardan had ordered the Wolven to be set free as a show of mercy. Red-Eye didn’t know what to do with himself and seemed to hang around Saita while she had healed and now stood next to her as the ceremony started to wrap up.

Once the memorial was complete and the wall of the names of those who had sacrificed themselves was unveiled, Lardan took the time to get to know those who he would be ruling until he retired. Eventually, he worked his way to Doran, and he embraced the man as if he were a brother.

“Thank you for coming. Mother would have appreciated it.”

“Honestly, I wasn’t sure we were going to make it.” Doran released the Saith.

“Oh? Does that have anything to do with Saita looking so ill? I was under the impression she was still having catatonic states she was struggling to come out of.”

“It’s still an ongoing battle, yes, but it’s improving. The new leg needed testing and Siar asked that Saita consider coming to the memorial. She wanted her to see that the universe isn’t against her, but that scar over her face makes it difficult for her to remember who she really is.”

“Siar only mentioned that she had lost the lower half of her right leg, but I noticed the heavy dressings over her face.”

“Nothing more can be done; the vision is gone for good and she’s ashamed of how she has been marked.”

“I’m surprised she wanted to come at all with the state she is in.” said Lardan.

Doran sighed and said, “I think she feels responsible for the death of your mother and father. I knew it weighed heavily on her before the Fell Dragon baited her into a fight.”

Lardan sighed sadly and then looked around, “Where is she?”

“I think she wandered off to the memorial. Just look out for Red-Eye. He’s glued to her nowadays.”

“Let me go talk to her.”

“She doesn’t say much.” Warned the human.

“Good because I have a few things I need to say to her. Things I should have said a long time ago. Stay here, enjoy, go touch base with friends and family. Baks managed to survive his wounds and should be sulking around here somewhere.” Lardan squeezed Doran’s shoulder and made his way to where the wall of names stood.

Sure enough, sitting on one of the benches, was the hunched figure of Saita. Lardan took some time to look at her. Seeing her so dejected made him think of the first time he had met her. That felt like a lifetime ago. He noted the crutch that sat on her left side. Despite the prosthetic leg that was integrated with her nerves, muscles, and bone, it was clear she was still learning how to use it and needed extra support. Red-Eye was lying in the shade of the wall keeping an eye on the one he now viewed as his mistress.

The Saith took a deep breath and came to sit next to her. He didn’t say anything. The two of them stared at the wall of names of those who fell fighting the Fell Dragon and her minions. There were too many names that Lardan knew.

“I am so sorry.” Came Saita’s soft voice.

Lardan looked up at the sky and felt hot tears come to his eyes. He missed his mother dearly, but he couldn’t allow those feelings to get the better of him.

“Do you know how I found my mother? He asked as he continued to look at the sky.

Saita shook her head.

“After we got Red-Eye captured, I couldn’t find her immediately. I thought she had been taken to hospital, but no, it wasn’t what either of them wanted. No, I found my mother curled up in the arms of the man she had fallen in love with once more.” Lardan said as tears eventually spilled from his eyes.

He wrapped an arm around the human, feeling how frail she had become from being in hospital for so long. He had also felt something else, something he had suspected for some time.

“My mother faced down death with my father at her side. She died doing what she loved with the one she loved, for the one she had come to love. Saita, no one here blames you for her death or any other Saith death.” He squeezed her gently, “She was smiling when I found her. She was finally at peace after decades of her soul dying. I believe my mother never really came back after she lost my father the first time. This was her closure.”

Saita turned herself to hug Lardan and she burst into tears against his chest.

“You have nothing to apologise for. You yourself have lost so much. Did you see? I added Bolx and Aidan to the wall.”

The human nodded her head and Lardan held her in a hug, continuing to talk.

“I will always, always consider you a Saith, a little sister, and the one who saved all of us. Even if you don’t.”

He allowed her to cry herself out before he released her.

“Danna is only too happy I’ve taken over my mother’s throne. She doesn’t want to be Queen Consort but is thrilled I will no longer be an active soldier. I am getting on in years after all.” He chuckled, “Now the problem comes in on who to choose to be my heir. Sash already said over her dead body, as did Bahn, and Truhan is marrying into royalty.”

Lardan sat back and watched how Saita protectively folded her arms around herself.

“I suppose that leaves my cousins. Siar wants Seana to become like her and Gatex, well, he’s Gatex. So that only really leaves you and Bolx. How far along are you?”

Saita said nothing and refused to make eye contact.

“Danna tried to hide her pregnancy with Bahn from me. I know and I have known for a while. I didn’t need Siar to tell me. It’s why I left you alone with Red-Eye, I thought you would have something to protect.”

They sat in silence a little longer before Saita finally admitted it aloud, “About four months. Twins.”

Lardan nodded his head. He had mentally done the math and assumed it couldn’t be less than four months. He would have been shocked to know she had retained her pregnancy if his own mother hadn’t suffered similarly and managed to grow his little brother. While Saita had physically managed to retain the pregnancy, he wasn’t sure about her emotional and mental status knowing that she would have to live with the choice she had had to make.

“I can’t promise that things are going to get better. I can’t promise that the crimes the Fell Dragon committed won’t be seen as yours. But what I can promise you is that you are family and if you ever, ever need anything, just ask.” He reached over and squeezed her left leg, “And I will do everything in my power to help you.”

Saita placed a hand on his, looked up at him with a single eye still filled with tears to say, “Thank you.”

“And take the time to talk to Doran, you have no idea what he went through to ensure your safety.”

He then pulled away and dug around in a pocket to pull out a ratty, green bandana.

“When you’re ready to show your face again, I’m sure Mother would want you to wear this with pride.”

Saita took the bandana and wrapped it around her left hand a few times. Leaving her right to still show off the bracelet she had refused to remove, even when in hospital.

“While you’re talking to Doran, make a stop by Jethron. He held on as long as he could to ensure Doran could get all of you the treatment you needed. I think he would appreciate knowing that his energy drained so fast because of those developing inside of you.”

Saita only nodded her head and folded her arms over her belly again. They sat in silence for a few more minutes before Saita turned and asked, “Who is the person that touches up your family tree?”

We are reaching the end of Fell Dragon but there is still two more twists to come. I hope all of you will continue to read with to see what it'll be.

For those of you who have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here, Book 3 here, and Book 4 here, Book 5 here, Book 6 here, and Book 7 here
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
Races Explained
Royal Guard
Saasha’s Direct Family
Saith Characters Recap
Human Characters Recap
Alternate Timeline Brucel
If you want to join the Reader's list, just ask or follow me for updates on this and my other stories.

Haven't read the other parts yet? Follow these handy links:
Part 41>>You are Here>>Part 43
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@weone, @merenludick, @clairemobey, @therneau, @blitzzzz, @pravesho, @joetunex, @captainquack22, @irisworld, @braaiboy, @sketchygamerguy, @fuego-oscuro, @felt.buzz, @dibblers.dabs, @brittandjosie, @tamacvet, @alonicus, @joetunex, @zakludick , @pixelhuntersam


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