5 Minute Freewrite: ""Cave Drawings""

in #hive-1611552 years ago



Maya bought an old shop on an island. She wasn't sure what she wanted to sell. However, she was really happy to become an independent woman, and start her own business. However, she started to have strange dreams of a secret cave on the island.

Maya went to check, and she was shocked to see that the cave existed. She didn't know what to do because this was new territory for her! Maya decided to go exploring the cave with her boyfriend, Wesley. The cave ended in a beautiful garden. This garden was full of red roses.

On the walls of the cave, there were drawings of how to make ice cream with the flavor of a rare red rose. It gave instruction of how to take the essence of the flower and use it to make a delicious ice cream.

So, Maya decided on her profession: to open an ice cream shop!"

The ice cream made with those rose flavor became the talk of the town. She even became international and became famous! People came from distant lands to taste her ice creams.

People asked her what her secret was to making those ice creams! But she never disclosed any information about the cave and the secret garden full of roses.

Whoever ate those ice creams felt alive. They felt they could accomplish anything!

Maya kept making those ice creams, but she didn't have a lasting relationship. Her relationship didn't work out with Wesley because she put so much work into making her ice cream business a success that she forgot to take care of her relationship. So, she didn't have any children. So, she decided to tell everyone about the secret cave and that garden.

Tourists came to visit the cave and the cave became popular and the recipe to make the ice cream widespread and every famous restaurant started making it.

Maya died, but her legacy remained.