It is said that we live in a hurry, rushing what needs to be thrown in time.
They say it is sometimes harder to "endure" the processes of others than our own.
They say we don't realize it, but that as we transform our eyes shine.
They say that if we dedicate ourselves to the process, the most magical people we have ever met will come to us.
They say some doors will close, but the whole universe will open.
They say that growing up hurts, but it is necessary.
They say that if we have faith and do not stop trusting, our wings will open and embrace us so tightly that all fears will disappear.
They say that at this moment your heart beats, beats and beats. It is you, from within, asking yourself not to give up.
They say you are already that butterfly, you just need to realize it and allow yourself to be it. Let's fly!
Have a good day!