A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words [Spa/Eng]

in #hive-1611553 months ago



Esta imagen me traslada a muchos años atràs cuando tenìa un grupo de niños a mi cargo en la escuela donde prestaba mis servicios como docente de aula. Estuve en una posiciòn fuera de aula por varios años por razones de salud vocal, esos años fueron de gran ayuda para descansar del trabajo de aula y mirar diferentes formas de aprendizajes de niños de nuevas generaciones, una forma diferentes a las generaciones de cuando iniciè en esta labor.

LLegò el dìa, cuando la directora del plantel conversò con la maestra Mirna...que ya su apoyo en el aula donde cumplìa sus horas de trabajo ya no podìa seguir allì por intrucciones de altos directivos. Pues, Mirna como ya estaba descansada de guiar un grupo de 30 niños lo tomò sin ningùn tipo de molestia, asintiò su nueva responsabilidad como en años de inicio.

El grupo de niños estaba un poco desprestigiado porque no tenìan una orientaciòn estable, cada dìa un nuevo maestro o no habìa ninguna. Mirna con todo su Fe iniciò su trabajo en el aula despuès de 6 años, cuidando su voz, siguiendo las recomendaciones de su mèdico tratante.

El grupo fue evaluado paso a paso por Mirna, hasta donde conocìan las letras, los nùmeros y asì colocando diversas actividades muchos niños superaron las expectativas, parece que la organizaciòn y la estabilidad colaboraron con el adelanto que se vio en el grupo, adelanto en todos los sentidos, en actividades acadèmicas, comportamiento y otras.


Josè era un niño que siempre estaba muy callado, cumplìa con todo y avanzaba ràpidamente, èl cuando terminaba sus actividades no molestaba sacaba un cuaderno que tenìa aparte y se dedicaba a realizar dibujos, Mirna siempre observaba sus dibujos y le pedìa el cuaderno para mirar lo que hacìa.

Mirna veìa los trazos, las lìneas, los detalles de las figuras que el niño realizaba en ese entonces personajes de comics de moda, cuando Mirna pedìa dibujos alusivos a los temas de clase como geografìa, historia, etc, admiraba el trabajo de Josè. Josè realizaba dibujos para la cartelera asignados por Mirna destacàndose en sus lìneas, formas, etc.

La madre de este niño al ver el interès que Mirna mostrò en este arte que el niño expresaba, conversaron, Mirna le recomendò escuelas de pinturas donde la madre del niño decidiò llevar, este niño avanzò tanto que siguiò en el mundo del dibujo y la pintura. Josè es un joven ya donde su gusto por la pintura sigue siendo parte de su expresiòn, la madre siempre recuerda a Mirna que fue quien le sugiriò que alimentara este don que el niño necesitaba fortalecer con tècnicas y que de seguro le iban a ser muy valiosas en futuro.


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This image takes me back to many years ago when I had a group of children under my charge in the school where I served as a classroom teacher. I was in a position out of the classroom for several years for vocal health reasons, those years were a great help to take a break from classroom work and look at different ways of learning of children of new generations, a different way to the generations when I started in this work.

The day came when the director of the school spoke with Mirna...that her support in the classroom where she was working could no longer continue there due to instructions from the directors. Well, Mirna, since she was already rested from guiding a group of 30 children, took it without any kind of discomfort, and accepted her new responsibility as in the beginning years.

The group of children was a bit discredited because they did not have a stable orientation, every day a new teacher or none at all. Mirna with all her faith began her work in the classroom after 6 years, taking care of her voice, following the recommendations of her treating physician.

The group was evaluated step by step by Mirna, up to the point where they knew the letters, the numbers and thus placing various activities many children exceeded expectations, it seems that the organization and stability collaborated with the progress that was seen in the group, progress in every way, in academic activities, behavior and others.

Jose was a child who was always very quiet, he complied with everything and advanced quickly, when he finished his activities he didn't bother to take out a notebook that he had aside and he dedicated himself to draw pictures, Mirna always observed his drawings and asked him for the notebook to see what he was doing.

Mirna saw the strokes, the lines, the details of the figures that the boy made at that time, fashionable comic book characters, when Mirna asked for drawings alluding to class subjects such as geography, history, etc., she admired Jose's work. He would draw pictures for the bulletin board assigned by Mirna, standing out in his lines, shapes, etc.

The mother of this child seeing the interest that Mirna showed in this art that the child expressed, they talked, Mirna recommended painting schools where the child's mother decided to take him, this child advanced so much that he continued in the world of drawing and painting. Jose is a young man now where his taste for painting is still part of his expression, the mother always remembers Mirna who was the one who suggested her to nurture this gift that the child needed to nurture with techniques that would surely be very valuable in the future.


Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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What a sweet story!


De nada!

Indeed a valuable gift.