Hello, it's a pleasure to see you again!
Today I would like to reflect together on the first principle, the fundamental principle on which we can rely when we talk about health because I regularly hear things that do not seem correct. And that's not serious, we're not in an intellectual debate, the problem is that it can make us miss the target completely.
For example, when we talk about naturopathy, when we talk about taking control of our health, the first principle to rely on is diet. And this is something I profoundly disagree with, diet is not the basis.
The first principle on which we can rely when we talk about finding and regaining a good state of health is not food for me, but it is first of all vitality, vital energy. A body that is devitalized is a body that, even if we provide it with quality food, will have a lot of difficulty digesting it, metabolizing it, using it, transforming it. Food is not a principle, it is just a fuel, these are elements that we will provide.
The first principle is really this principle of vitality, of life inside us. On the biological level, this is translated by the state of our nervous system, the state of our hormonal system, globally the two functions go together. And these two systems are going to require to be supported, rehabilitated, simulated, strengthened, muscled in a certain way.
The secret of the living force is really based on a fundamental principle called the principle of Hormesis.
Well, we are really on a principle, that is, a weak body is a body that does not metabolize and a body that does not function.
If you have a house to build, you can have the best bricks in the world, but if you don't have anyone to build your house, the bricks will stay on the ground, and if there are people to build it, the house gets built. That's just the obvious.
And that's really where you have to understand, and when we talk about vitality, the rule is always simple, whether it's to build muscle, to build nervous energy, to rebuild physically, the rule is very simple, it's called the Hormesis principle.
The Hormesis principle simply tells us:
"If you want to become stronger, therefore healthier, more adaptive, with more vitality, there is only one way to do it, you have to challenge yourself, in an intelligent, adapted way, which means punctual, intense, adapted solicitations, that is, they do not exceed your capacity, but go to the limits of your capacity, followed by a sufficient rest time."
Having quality nutrients, a low processed, vegetable, living food, will be excellent to allow the reconstruction of healthy tissues, we absolutely agree with that, but it is not the first principle, it is not enough. And that's what sometimes causes people to say, "Well, I reformed my diet but my health isn't any better."
There are 4 parameters:
Our heredity, we can't do much about it, our vitality (cultivating our energy), and if I put it in second place it's because it's very important. Then the resources available in terms of nutrients. And the accumulation of waste.
We can play on all four at the same time, it's just fabulous!
But what you have to understand is that the elimination in a body will only ever be as good as our nervous energy.
So yes, I know that we can take a lot of remedies, plants, purges, whatever you want, Ok, we agree, we absolutely agree, but that always remains an approach outside the body, whereas normally the elimination is done in a natural way.
And the good thing is that when it's the body that orchestrates it, it's done at the right pace, in the right way, it's not us doing it intellectually saying, "I feel like purging my liver." "I want to purge this." "I feel like making kidney tea."
No, it is the body that cleanses its organs at the speed, the rhythm, with the right timing that it will have chosen.
So the principle of Hormesis is really the principle of principles, because without life there is nothing, in fact what determines me is life. Life comes first, life comes first, and life demands to be solicited, it demands times of rest, it demands more and more important solicitation, adapted to the level of each one. When we talk about stress, we are talking about cold baths, Sauna, Sport, Deep breathing, Fasting ....
Well, experience shows and now science also shows that: It is better to have short, intense stresses than medium, low stresses.
It is better to immerse yourself in really cold water for 20-30 seconds than in barely cold water for 1 hour. The results on the living organism are not at all the same, i.e. the living organism asks to be stimulated like that. And more and more, it is the law of growth, it is the law of strength, it is the law of health. And what is true on the physiological level is also true on the psychological level.
On the psychological level the first principle is faith, because there is nothing else, when we talk about constructive and destructive forces on the psychological level the only force is faith, trust, the rest pulls us backwards: fear, permanent questioning, despair, they are all catabolic forces that will eat up our energy, that will destroy the energy of the body, and above all that will not lead to any growth.
Faith in what?
At least in the body, in biology, in the wonder of the living that is deposited in you, and all that is wonderful.
Before I finish I would like to give you an example so that you can understand the idea I would like to convey to you:
If you have a bad combustion, then there will be a lot of ashes that will form, but these ashes that form are always the sign of a bad combustion. So you can spend your time eliminating ashes, you can also spend your time trying to understand why you have a bad combustion, and having a bad combustion is that you don't have enough heat, because the combustion in the wood, well the wood doesn't burn, but it's not the wood that burns, the wood releases hydrocarbons, and with the temperature these hydrocarbons ignite.
And it is exactly the same thing at the level of the human body, that is to say that if there is not enough vital energy, at that moment all the metabolic processes are slowed down, there is production of a lot of waste, and finally we will spend our time trying to clean this waste whereas we would perhaps do better first and foremost to go back to the basics. The cause of the causes is the exhaustion, the depletion of the vital resources of the organism.
So when we talk about health, we are talking first and foremost about vitality.
If you really want to have all the keys to effectively take your health back in hand, start practicing the law of Hormesis. I have already done an article on cold exposure and I will do other articles soon on that, the practice of cold bathing, how to practice it in an intelligent and adapted way. And how to do good and not to do harm with the practice of cold bathing, that is to say, to really play on the parameters that can change the situation for us.
I would also do many detailed articles on fasting, breathing, physical activity ...