Hello everyone!
I am glad to take my computer to write you a post about a very important subject, frankly I wanted to write an article about the law of Hormesis, the secret of health on which I have already spoken before. But suddenly I changed my mind and I would like to change the subject. I will talk about prejudgments of some people about us even if they don't know us.
Don't waste your time responding to people who have false prejudices towards you. Don't waste your energy to show them your good intention and good faith...
If you have good projects and good intentions, continue your way and be strong! Be strong because certainly you will meet people who will try to disturb you, (even if sometimes these people will not have this bad intention). But one thing that is also certain is: If your goal is to bring good to others and to the world one day you will succeed.
People who don't know you well and prejudge you, are usually negative people.
There are negative and destructive people who pull you down, you may feel tired you feel drained or maybe even angry or have anxiety for example it may be people who put you down to put themselves forward in front of others.
These people have a negative energy towards you, they are people who have a lower vibratory rate than yours, basically they are trying to suck your joy out of you, they are not trying to grow and develop joy by themselves, but they are trying to bring you down to their level. And at that point they will feel a little bit grown up, they will have taken some of your energy and they will feel better, but you will feel much worse.
So it's quite self-destructive this mechanism! The person who feeds on your energy, he can do that consciously or unconsciously, most of the time it is unconsciously
One thing that is certain is that negative people who leave false prejudices about you are people who are not happy in their lives, and they don't even know it, because if they are happy they will always have positive thoughts and they will just bring you encouragement and motivation.
If you turn to these people to prove your good faith, and they are wrong about you, you will just enter a negative energy field that will block you all. The best solution is to focus on your purpose in life.
Ignorance is the best answer! One day they will become more aware, and they will stop prejudging people.
As I said at the beginning, I promise to do an article on the law of Hormesis, the law of living, the law that really saved my life once I started to put it into practice. But really the true happiness is to share with people all that we have discovered and that leads us to a life full of success, motivation and joy.