Miserable Looking Kitten - 5 minutes freewrite

in #hive-1611554 months ago

Hello beautiful people an welcome back to my blog 🤗 😍

Amber was sad and heartbreaking when she saw a kitten looking miserable and in distress lying on the street. She wished there was something she could do to take away the suffering from the kitten.


She rushed home and told her elder brother Tom about the sick, miserable kitten and how she would love to help her.

Tom held her by the hand and asked her to take him to the place she saw it. Tom took the sick kitten to see a vet doctor, who admittedly treated the kitten and asked Tom and Amber to take good care of her. With tender care, they took the kitten home and treated it with warmth, affection, and nourishment.
As days turned into weeks, the once-miserable kitten got healed and turned into a playful and contented companion.



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