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This is a 5-minute freewrite in response to the prompt from 1/22/2025 "speed control"
Ok, so we have all heard that life is a marathon not a sprint. Life requires patience, endurance, discipline and self-control but sometimes life gets serious and it feels like we have no brakes.
Speed control is key when we are on the upward and downward roads of life. Sometimes it feels like we are coasting or flat lining but in actuality we are either ascending or descending. Sometimes when we descend it feels like our brakes have been broken and there is no bottom to the situation.
I recently had my mini van's brakes replaced and was glad I did so promptly. Few sensations are more frightening than operating a motor vehicle losing control of its speed. In essence, we are at the mercy of gravity, friction and the physical forces we learned about in highschool science class.
Controlling one's speed takes brakes. Brakes are self control, patience, experience and humility. When we feel a pull downward, we apply the brakes and hope they work. This requires intentionality and maintenance. We need to maintain our mental and physical health to be in optimal performance just like a vehicle.
Are you in control of your speed? I'm working on it and it's a lifelong journey.