On a distant horizon,
our bodies co-mingle.
With the creator,
our spirit soars to new heights.
Get all of yourself into it.
Nature’s melody,
one that we can stop.
We know it well,
in our very being.
Even though we sometimes forget,
Recapture the rhythm and the flow of nature.
Let the blending,
the communing,
The immersion brings harmony and peace.
We touch.
the very force of life,
when we walk
Try to walk in the gentle rain.
Under the trees,
ride a scooter, or ride a boat.
In the open,
Go play outdoor games.
The joys,
the delights of nature,
In details,
and in the ordinary,
even enjoy these ordinary delights.
In the shade of trees,
the aroma
of fresh cut grass.
Listening to the roar of water
Or if nothing else, the songs.
And the sound of the common birds,
in our own backyard.
Did you say,
you don't love this all?
Then you're living,
in a vast nothingness.
Daily Prompt Word- Nothingness by @mariannewest