Oculto entre las letras que se han ido
está el mensaje que has negado
dónde entregas dócil el corazón amado
y la rosada flor que te he pedido.
Ya no puedes negar que me has deseado
aunque escondas entre misterios lo prohibido.
Primero dices "vete de mi lado"
y luego vuelves sola en un suspiro.
Que me vas a contar? Si te soñado
en un éxtasis mortal y estremecido
temblando de pasión he despertado
aunque solo a veces duermas en mi nido...
Hidden among the letters that are gone
there is the message that you have denied
where you docilely deliver the beloved heart
and the pink flower that I have asked you for.
You can no longer deny that you have desired me
even if you hide the forbidden among mysteries.
First you say "get out of my way"
and then you return alone in a breath.
What are you going to tell me? if you dreamed
in a deadly, shuddering ecstasy
trembling with passion I woke up
even if you only sleep in my nest sometimes...
Poetry and photography