Day 13,Seheritales, page 99

in #hive-1611552 years ago

"Where is it?" "WHERE IS IT?!" "WHERE THE FUCK IS IT!" screaming. This once a benign soul, now raging out, screaming on top of his lungs.
He brought a book from his local bookshop that he was investing his time in of late. The book was old, cover torn and dusty. But that was a part of its charm. Old dusty books, with leather covers were a thing of his peculiar interest. He'd fanatically go about looking for books of this particular manner. It was kept in the ninth row of his shelf. At a glance it seemed like any normal book but it had this strange grim feeling to it. Anyone standing at a close proximity to this very book would get a nauseating feeling. But Aid was never transfixed by this book. This title less book with gibberish written captivated.
Now, Aid was silently seething. Thinking where it could have gone. Until he noticed it on his table. With page 99 open. He went over, remembering he was on page 42 reading about a stone. But, to this his curiosity peaked, he knew there was something special about it. The page 99 did not have much, just a few lines that seemed like a warning. It read
"F'r the one seeking f'rbidden knowledge,
shall suff'r a fate w'rse than bargain'd.
To carryeth on shall thee beest f'rgotten, by those thee did love
is the beshrew thou art given.
Thee soul anon black
rotten to the c're,
evil is thee f'r thy gre'd did want m're."
