Some Financial Take Home Lessons that will ease your Stress

in #hive-1611552 years ago

Over the past two months, I have been learning some life principles. Principles on financial discipline. Prior to when I got deeper into a financial mess, I have been overcoming with the help of amazing people I sought help from, I believe in the saying "If I perish, I perish" and trust me I have been living to see the daylight endlessly; I am not perishing. That parlance means, enjoying yourself without thinking of the future. Yeah, that's exactly what I have been doing. Making money and spending it all! How "wise" of me you can say.

I have been learning some lessons, and I had like to share them with you so that you either avoid being in my kind of mess or to assuage such mess. It goes like this:

### $ Avoid Spending all the Money that you Make/Have: This takes a lot of discipline, especially if you haven't mastered that principle. Sometimes, you feel the money you make is quite lesser than your needs, trust me, there is always something, no matter how little it is to save. I know there is this popular saying that you have to save before you spend, and I am aware you know the saying, beyond saying, it's high time to practice as I have started. Don't fall into the trap, of spending all that you make with the hope that you will be making some more later, emergencies, and opportunities could arise, and if you have nothing on the ground to act on them, it might lead to regrets or even financial refrigeration.

$ Sort For Help Where Necessary: There is a Yoruba adage that translates to "it's the hand that will wash the hand" This goes to show that we all need help from one another; that's how the world goes round. If there is something you need to do, and there is a friend, family, or neighbor that can help you get it done, don't feel too egoistic to seek and accept such help; it not only helps in saving resources, it creates a stronger bond and keep you happier. In the long run, it will lead to a happier and maybe longer life.

$Give Your Money Time to Grow: There are so many cases of being in a haste to make money, and at the end of the day, you lose it all; the capital and envisaged profits. This hurts and breaks the heart a lot! I have been a victim a couple of times, of which I don't want such for another. The best thing is to grow it gradually, you don't have to be so much in a hurry to get wealth, as far as your 'money moves' are consistent, whether slow or fast. It saves you the tendency of losing your money to a business with no gains. The best thing is to give it some time as you steadily and not "rushingly" make your money; it needs time.


$Make Adequate Research before Investing: There are times you want to put your money into a business, and the offers are sounding so realistic that you forget to check again. Whether or not the offer sounds too good to be true, ensure to take a step further in verifying the facts, offers, and procedures that the business entails, so that you can assuredly put your money into where it will grow and multiply.
If you just jump on an investment without doing your background work to see what favor it brings for you, it's rare luck if you multiply your money. Don't be lazy or too trusting, make your research!

$ Practice the Value of Giving: As cliche as "Givers never lack" is, it still holds strong grounds for having wealth. Nobody is asking you to open a charity foundation or become a philanthropist, no. There are values you could offer that is priceless. Value of time, saying kind words to someone, being a listening ear, sharing information, and ideas, giving a cup of water or tea to someone, standing up for someone to sit, just look within, there is always something good you can do to and for someone. I can tell you that part of what has been sustaining me is the kind gestures I rendered some time ago both consciously or unconsciously. If you believe in God, giving is also almost important. If you are in Christendom, tithing is also necessary. For Islam, I know they give "Saraka", I don't know what it is for other religions, simply try out the giving principles of your faith.

I am not saying these tips will make you the world's richest, but I can assure you that they will save you a lot from unnecessary financial quagmire and retrogression.

Thank you for reading. If you have other tips, kindly drop them in the comment section, we want to see them, they will be really helpful. Thank you again. Ciao.

Copyright: Image is mine(My beautiful sister)


@tipu curate