Belong - ZapFic Monday's 240 Character Challenge

in #hive-1611552 years ago


I caught something out of the corner of my eye that didn't seem to belong in this hole in the wall shop I found while exploring the city. A small porcelain paw was beckoning me to come closer.

The owner tells me it will bring me good luck.

For those interested in participating you can write your own 240 character story. Please do. The rules are simple to follow and I look forward to reading your take on the writing prompt.

You may peruse the following link for all the details


Please post to the Freewriters Community.

Please post a link to your entry in the comments section of this post

Please use #freewritehouse and #zapfic tags.

YOU MUST use a word/character counter (if you search for word counter on the internet or in your phone's app store you will get a big choice!) and include a screenshot. Entries without a screenshot will NOT be valid

Please use the prompt provided as you see fit (use your imagination)

Try to tell a complete story if you can!

The story should only be 240 characters long (including spaces)



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Interesting and well-written. Did you believe in the luck-attracting theory?

Thanks. We can all use any luck we can get in my opinion.

I hope it truly bring luck.
Nice short story dear.

Yay! 🤗
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I like it ! There's one thing Maneke Neko don't do but should. They should bring !PIZZA 😁

Everyone is an instant friend when they bring food lol. Thank you