Weird-Tasting Soda Pop: A 5-Minute Freewrite

in #hive-161155last year


Sasha and Albert were savoring their burgers and fries in a diner. Sasha made a face as she sipped her soda drink.

"This soda tastes strange," says Sasha. "Did they change anything?"

"Perhaps they put some secret ingredient in there to make it taste extra good," Albert speculates.

"Or maybe they accidentally mixed in some ketchup," Sasha speculates.

"Ew, that would be disgusting," Albert says. But I believe I know why it tastes strange."

"Why?" Sasha asks.

"I'm sure they used tap water instead of filtered water to make the soda," Albert speculates.

"That could be it," says Sasha. "However, why would they do that?"

"Perhaps they ran out of filtered water or forgot to refill the machine," Albert speculates.

"Well, that's not very professional, is it?" Sasha says. They ought to know better."

"Agreed," Albert says. But let us not spend time fretting about it. Let us just enjoy our meal and attempt to ignore the strange flavor."

"Good point," says Sasha. I'll just smear some ketchup on my burger and call it a gourmet sauce."

"And I'll dip my fries in the soda pop and pretend it's a new flavor," Albert says.

"Gross!" exclaimed Sasha. Don't do it. You're going to spoil your fries."

"I'm just kidding," Albert says. That would never happen to my beloved fries."

"Beloved fries?" says Sasha. You're such an oddball."

"And you're a soda pop snob," Albert says.

"Guilty as charged," Sasha says. But at the very least, I have decent taste."

"And I'm funny," Albert adds.

"Debatable," says Sasha.

They both laughed and kept eating, making the best of a bad circumstance.
