When the Prank Bite's Back: A 5-Minute Freewrite

in #hive-1611552 years ago


Roger and his friends have always been a boisterous lot that are always up for an adventure. When Roger found an old coffin in his grandmother's attic, he realized it was time for a prank.

"Guys, you're not going to believe what I found." Roger exclaimed, showing off the dirty coffin. We should absolutely terrify somebody with this.

His pals agreed enthusiastically, and they immediately started planning their practical joke. Therefore, they decided to conceal the coffin in a cemetery and surprise passersby.

They were carrying the coffin through the cemetery when they suddenly heard footsteps behind them.

"What do you think you're doing?" the speaker demanded sternly.

When they turned around, the cemetery attendant was staring angrily at them.

“We're just putting this coffin back where it belongs," Roger said guiltily.

The attendant's eyes furrowed in suspicion, but he eventually released them with a warning.

They brought the coffin to the cemetery that night and concealed in the bushes, waiting for their target to arrive. Yet, while they waited, a peculiar sensation started to overtake them. The feeling of dread gradually grew into a palpable terror.

One of Roger's buddies said, "Hey, I don't know if this is such a good idea," in a low voice.

Unfortunately, it was too late. At that same moment, a hand reached out of the coffin and grabbed Roger by the leg, bringing him to the ground just as they had been ready to escape.

They shouted in horror until Roger tore off the lid of the coffin and staggered away.

"Open your coffin, my foot!" Roger cursed as he heaved a sigh of relief, panting heavily for air. "Let's never do that again."
