Reflections on Life & Death

in #hive-1611553 years ago


I have just learned of the death of a childhood friend, younger than myself and am stunned.

I meant to write of others things — nature, food, but can think of little else. Rest In Peace, dear Hashim Omran, and may you be free of suffering and in a better place…


The frailty of life engenders tenderness, and fear and respect, along with a variety of other unsorted emotions.

If it were your turn to go, now, are you ready?

Have you accomplished what you promised yourself you would?

Is your soul in such a state that it is prepared to meet its Maker?

We don’t know how much time we have left and tomorrow is not promised us.

In the words of Voltaire, in his novel “Candide”:

One must cultivate one’s own garden



[Original pictures taken this morning when we were watering our garden, at 7am]


Amazing photos and metaphor. Yes, it's always quite shocking,isn't it, when someone our age (or younger) dies. But as you say, it's also an important reminder to not hold back out of fear or procrastination, to make the most out of each and every day.

Thank you, for your sympathetic note.🙏🏽

Hours later & still destabilized by news…

I guess it’s a reminder that, spiritually, I’m still so far from where I need to be (clearing inner hurdles, breaking bad habits, surrendering, really).

I hope this finds you in better off shape ✨

Sorry to hear about your friend. May he rest in peace.

Seems that the cultivation is going well at your farm / garden. Have you discussed here what your goals are for the farm? I may have missed it.

I once partnered with another Hive member who had a chicken farm and I really enjoyed it. If you're ever looking for a partner or some sort, I'm open to hearing about it. :)

Bless your heart, you’re a swell guy. 🙏🏽

Our goals for the farm keep shifting … My wife is more ambitious than I and has a few micro-businesses in mind: a flower, growing/selling palm trees, homemade pasta!

We’re researching these ideas and living on the farm to test our stamina and get a feel for the place/people. The missus is half-Colombian, but she’s finding (in some ways) she’s as much of a stranger to the culture as I am…

Will keep you in mind, friend, once we have a well-developed business plan.

Today, we fixed the roof :)


Stay steady up there! I wish you well in whatever goals you pursue. Looking forward to hearing more if you have some ideas to share.

Hoping to recover some balance, living in the country this way, simply, and communing with nature. Bird-watching is a real joy 🙂

Not used to physical work or waking up early, but suspect it does a body and soul good.

Take care of both, as I know you do ✌🏼