Hello dear friends of freewriters, it seems like a never ending story but, when things seem to be better something always happens that overshadows our tranquility and happiness and although we try to be positive and think that things will go well in our mind some negative thoughts sneak in and make us doubt in some opportunities of our life.
Ese es el próposito del enemigo hacernos dudar y vivir una vida de tristezas, angustias y dolor, pero debemos ser fuertes y seguir pensando que las cosas estaran bién, la vida tiene un próposito firme con cada uno de nosotros y debemos permanecer fiel en ello.
That is the enemy's purpose to make us doubt and live a life of sadness, anguish and pain, but we must be strong and continue thinking that things will be all right, life has a firm purpose with each one of us and we must remain faithful to it.
Hoy lloro por todo lo que como familia nos esta pasando con nuestra hija, pareciera que todo se torna oscuro pero, al final del tunel se que vamos a encontrar esa hermosa luz que tanto estamos anhelando, Dios tiene el poder y con su compañia vamos a vencer.
Today I cry for everything that is happening to us as a family, it seems that everything becomes dark but, at the end of the tunnel I know that we will find that beautiful light that we are longing for, God has the power and with his company we will overcome.
Feliz noche mis apreciados escritores de Hive.
Happy evening my dear Hive writers.