Time waits for no one..
Opportunity missed might never be regained..
Be about your business..
No loitering.
Time is of the essence..
The more you delay to achieve your goals..
The more it ticks.. Make right choices.
A little sleep..
A little slumber..
One gets older..
And the strength begins to dwindle..
Begin each day with determination..
To always make an attempt no matter how hard it is..
Take a lesson from the clock..
It works relentlessly..
It knows that every moment matter..
So it makes it count..
Wake up to possibility..
Wake up to a new mindset..
That your effort will eventually pay off..
Be on your goals..
Focused on the prize..
Procrastination is a stealer of time..
It does so subtly..
Whatever you've set your heart to do..
Do it and enjoy what you do..
Everyday makes you get better..
One day, you'll be seen and heard..
Just make sure you do what you do with all your might..
With true passion..
And with so much zeal.
The end will always justify the means..
And time will tell if you did your best..
Keep going..
Please don't stop.
Image used belongs to me.
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