[ Spa - Eng ] Fragmentos olvidados | Forgotten fragments

in #hive-161465last year

Poeta 3.png


¿A quién hemos olvidado?
Al que vive afuera o dentro de nosotros.
¿A quién conocemos más?
Al hombre exterior o interior.
¿A qué hombre alimentamos más?
Al que sueña o al que despierta.
Entre tú y la imagen que proyectas:

¿Qué ves?

Luz, penumbra, oscuridad
o fragmentos olvidados
de recuerdos que añoras,
como sea, abre la puerta
y conoce a esa parte de ti
de la cual te has fragmentado
en mil pedazos, resetéate,
tienes el tiempo en contra,
la vida es un laberinto
de fragmentos acumulados
que no hemos resuelto
y que contienen ecos
mudos de nuestro peregrinar.

Has las paces con esa parte de ti
qué has ignorado o desconoces,
tócale en la puerta e invítale
a que te conozca,
basta de duelos egocéntricos
que solo conducen a silencios distantes,
auséntate de ti, explora el misterio
que yace más allá de la visión deshabitada
de la lógica y la razón,
busca la verdad a través de la intuición,
entonces puede ser posible
que veas en tu interior
esa parte de ti que siempre estuvo allí
pero que ignorabas mientras dormías.
Despierta y vive en tu interior.

Poeta 2.png


Who have we forgotten?
The one who lives outside or inside us.
Whom do we know best?
The man outside or inside.
Which man do we feed more?
The one who dreams or the one who wakes up.
Between you and the image you project:

What do you see?

Light, gloom, darkness
or forgotten fragments
of memories, you long for,
however, open the door
and meet that part of you
of which you have fragmented
into a thousand pieces, reset yourself,
time is against you,
life is a labyrinth
of accumulated fragments
that we have not resolved
and that contain echoes
echoes of our pilgrimage.

Make peace with that part of you
that you've ignored or don't know,
knock on the door and invite it to meet you
to get to know you,
enough of egocentric duels
that only lead to distant silences,
be absent from yourself, explore the mystery
that lies beyond the uninhabited vision of logic and reason.
of logic and reason,
seek the truth through intuition,
then it may be possible
that you see within yourself
that part of you that was always there
but that you ignored while you slept.
Wake up and live inside yourself.

📌 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) Notice to the reader My mother tongue is Spanish, so please excuse me for any grammatical or syntax errors in the translation of this content.

📸 ➡️ Imágenes creadas a través de la IA Leonardo e inspiradas en los versos de este poema de mi autoría | ➡️ Images created through Leonardo AI and inspired by the verses of this poem of my own.

Original Content by @jakim7
Copyright @jakim7 | All Rights Reserved 2023
Animated Banner Created By @zord189


Awesome poem @jakim7 😀

A true life lesson is not only to know oneself but to accept and forgive oneself for the past mistakes or shortcomings..
Looking forward to more of you poems @jakim7 😊

Hello @maggotmilk 😀

I really appreciate your comment, and I completely agree that knowing ourselves is not enough if we do not learn to accept and forgive ourselves for our shortcomings and mistakes. Sometimes, we can carry the weight of our past mistakes without allowing ourselves to move forward and continue to grow.

Recognizing our imperfections is part of the process of learning and personal development, and forgiveness and acceptance are fundamental tools that allow us to move towards our full potential.

I hope to continue to generate content that inspires all my readers to make their own personal growth, and I appreciate your support! As for the poems, I will try to continue to share my work and hope you continue to like it.

Thanks again for your thoughtful words!

Best regards

Un poema introspectivo que te hace pensar en lo que eres y lo que quieres, pero también en lo que querías hacer y en explorarse a sí mismos... un poema lleno de sentimientos y emociones que me ha calado, hecho para reflexionar.

Gracias @edujo por tus palabras y por tomarte el tiempo para reflexionar sobre mi poema. Me alegra saber que el poema ha logrado transmitir las emociones y pensamientos que pretendía expresar.


Make peace with that part of you that you've ignored or don't know, knock on the door and invite it to meet you to get to know you,

This got me, we only run away from ourselves, we need to look ourselves in the eyes and make peace with ourselves, which includes our past and silly mistakes.

Thanks for sharing.

Hello @amiegeoffrey , I appreciate the kindness of your words.

I find this comment really profound and has great value for self-knowledge and personal growth. On many occasions, we run the risk of ignoring certain parts of ourselves that we do not want to accept or that we believe are not important. However, it is precisely in those parts where we can find the key to free ourselves from our fears and emotional blocks.

I believe that it is very valuable to be sincere and honest with ourselves, even if that means facing our mistakes and weaknesses. Only by fully accepting who we are and what we do, can we begin to heal and grow in all areas of our lives. I really appreciate this comment and hope it reminds us of the importance of making peace with ourselves from time to time.

Best regards