The Contemporary Scientist

He revels in his expertise,
Yet unknown to him,
The Master of Science reigns.
To a gruelling contest
He challenged Him,
Confident of laurels
At duel’s end.

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Human ailments he cured,
Plant sickness he treated,
Earth’s drought he quenched.
Solutions unending,
Many marvelled at his craft,
Wondering what other magic
Lay within the master’s grasp.

But there was nothing more to mend,
His weary hands began to slumber.
No movement could he make,
Laid he down in the mystery of sleep,
Still as a deadened log.

Comrades watched as he
Drifted to oblivion’s abyss.
No other scientist, armed with magic,
Could unravel the mystery.
For eight long hours, they tried,
Yet sleep, like death,
Remained an enigma.

Seeing their helpless plight,
The Master of Science
Took not a single step,
But with a breath,
A second’s whisper,
Roused him,
The omniscient of all ages.


Good concept revolving around the power of the universe.

Nice exposition. Keep to that.

Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you like it.