U zagrljaju prirode./ In the embrace of nature.

in #hive-1630847 months ago

Danas sam odvela ćerku na trening. Više ne želi da budem sa njom tamo, pa sam otišla. Razmišljala sam šta da radim? Mrzelo me je da idem kući pa da se opet vratim.
Odlučila sam da i ja napravim svoj trening, otišla sam na brdo da trčim i vežbam jer je dan bio sunčan i lep. Krenula sam da se penjem. . .
Usput sam napravila fotografije koje opisuju pravi prolećni dan! 🌷🌷🌷☀️☀️☀️

I took my daughter to practice today. She doesn't want me to be there with her anymore, so I left. I was thinking what should I do? I hated going home and coming back again.
I decided to do my own training, I went to the hill to run and exercise because the day was sunny and beautiful. I started climbing. . .
Along the way, I took photos that describe a real spring day! 🌷🌷🌷☀️☀️☀️



Priroda je počela da se budi. Ptice su mi svojim cvrkutom davale ritam hodanja. Sunce je grejalo i osećao se topao povetarac.

Nature began to wake up. The birds gave me the rhythm of walking with their chirping. The sun was warm and there was a warm breeze.


Predivan maslačak je procvetao i izgledalo je kao da prolazim kroz polje malih sunca.
Nisam bila jedina. Lepo vreme je izmamilo puno šetača. Sačekala sam da odu i iskoristila šumu za vežbanje.

The beautiful dandelions were in bloom and it seemed like I was walking through a field of little suns.
I wasn't the only one. The good weather attracted a lot of walkers. I waited for them to leave and used the forest to practice.



Drveće još uvek nije prolistalo ali srećom da još uvek nije vrućina pa hladovina nije ni bila potrebna.

The trees haven't leafed yet, but luckily it's not hot yet, so there was no need for shade.


Pogledala sam na sat i shvatila sam da moram nazad da ne zakasnim po ćerku.
Kada sam ušla u salu za trening, svi su me zezali da sam crvena u licu više od moje ćerke. 😆
Ipak sam više za vežbanje na vazduhu i nadam se da sam vas ovom pričom inspirisala da čovek može sve da stigne ako se dobro organizuje. 😉🍀
Pozdrav hajveri! 👋👋👋

I looked at my watch and realized that I had to go back so I wouldn't be late to pick up my daughter.
When I entered the training room, everyone teased me that I was more red in the face than my daughter. 😆
However, I am more in favor of practicing in the air and I hope that I have inspired you with this story that a person can achieve anything if he organizes himself well. 😉🍀
Greetings, Haiver! 👋👋👋

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!



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