I've been discussing this idea with @memess and now I'd like to gather opinions from others on the Hive platform before investing a bunch of BEE tokens into it.
Is there sufficient interest for a Hive "Learn to Code" token?
So far I've created BYTE token on Hive-Engine through my alternate @holovision.stem account. BYTE has a maximum supply of 4294967296 (232) tokens.
The idea is to utilize this token and incentivize posts about hardware and software, particularly tutorials and self-teaching experiences. Hopefully it would encourage more people on Hive like myself to delve into software and blockchain development, whether for creating Hive applications or contributing to open-source projects.
I described this concept to @memess as "Posts about topics ranging from HiveSQL to, 'This is what I did today with the Arduino kit I got for Christmas.'"
I need to gauge whether there's enough interest to warrant enabling rewards pool and staking for the BYTE token. Are you interested in learning to code from others on Hive? Would you like to start learning and sharing what you learn? Or perhaps you have years of experience and would like to contribute by posting or commenting on content created by less experienced users working to improve their skills?
It's possible that there may not be significant interest in this token considering the existence of the STEMGeeks community. Maybe STEM would make BYTE redundant. Therefore, your feedback is crucial. If the consensus is positive I'll proceed with launching BYTE token. If not, I have an alternative idea that I could put the BEE tokens towards.
Please provide your feedback for this post. If the majority agrees that this is a promising idea I'll move forward with the token launch. Otherwise I'll explore another option. Thanks.
Image Source: Stable Diffusion