Hello Hive friends, I have a big surprise for you today! basically we are going to take a ride on a ship with more than 200 years old that carried out many missions in the African continent, I would like to show you what life was like inside these ships where people spent many months in the ocean, even years! Although this is not a 15th century ship, we can create an image of how the crew lived inside this ship of almost 500 meters, make yourself comfortable and enjoy this post.🧠🚢
Hola amigos de Hive les tengo una gran sorpresa para hoy! basicamente vamos a dar un paseo en un barco con mas de 200 años de antiguedad que realizo bastantes misiones en el continente africano, quisiera mostrarles como era la vida dentro de estos navios donde las personas pasaban muchos meses en el oceano, hasta años! apesar de no ser este un barco del siglo 15 podemos crear una imagen de como la tripulacion vivia dentro de este barco de casi 500 metros ponte comodo y disfruta de este post.👨🏫🌊🌅
This ship is like a "phoenix" born again from the ashes because it is not original! what we see is a replica that was built with the greatest similarity to the original boat that was rescued from the bottom of the river because a fire in the 40s ended up completely disintegrating it! The question is why rescue it? why give it so much importance? Although only some wooden supports from the original ship were used, this beautiful frigate is full of Portuguese history, she was the last frigate to go out of circulation! since 1843 she was making trips across the ocean to the African continent!😮🤯
Este barco es como un "ave fenix" nacio nuevamente de entre las cenizas porque no es original! lo que vemos es una replica que fue constuida con la mayor similitud del barco original que fue rescatado del fondo del rio debido que un incendio en los años 40 acabo por desintegrarlo por completo! la pregunta es porque rescatarlo? porque darle tanta importancia? aunque solo se usaron algunos soportes de madera del barco original esta hermosa fragata esta llena de historia Portuguesa, fue la ultima fragata en salir de circulacion! desde 1843 estuvo realizando viajes por todo el oceano hasta el continente africano!🤗🧭🤔
It is my first experience inside a frigate and I was full of a lot of curiosity, I wanted to take a walk inside this beautiful old ship to learn a little more about how people lived here, where they kept food, how they prepared to fight, among others. other activities! the name of the frigate was in homage to D. Fernando II who was the husband of Queen Maria II, on October 22 it was launched into the sea and made its first trip to Africa, among the missions were "exploratory, defensive, transport" despite being a frigate with many guns on board, it also served as passenger transport. In 1940 she goes out of circulation and ceases to be part of the Portuguese navy🌏🌏
Es mi primera experiencia dentro de una fragata y estaba lleno de mucha curiosidad, queria dar un paseo dentro de este lindo barco antiguo para conocer un poco mas sobre como vivian las personas aqui dentro, donde guardaban la comida, como se preparaban para luchar, entre otras actividades! el nombre de la fragata fue en homenaje a D. Fernando II que era el esposo de la reina Maria II, el 22 de octubre es lanzada al mar y realiza su primer viaje con destino a africa, entre las misiones eran "exploratorias, defensivas, transporte" apesar de ser una fragata con muchos cañones a bordo servio tambien como transporte de pasajeros. En 1940 sale de circulacion y deja de ser parte de la marina Portuguesa🤔👨🏫🌅
Later it was used as a place to house people without resources and who received a level of maritime preparation, but unfortunately in 1963 something terrible happened and that is that the ship suffered a fire that left it in oblivion at the bottom of the Tejo River, basically it had suffered 99% damage was supposed to be the material that predominates in the construction of the ship was wood.🔥😥
Luego fue utilizada como cede para hospedar a personas sin recursos y que recibian un nivel de preparacion maritimo, pero lastimosamente en 1963 sucedio algo terrible y es que el barco sufrio un incendio que lo dejo al olvido en el fondo del Rio Tejo, basicamente habia sufrido daños del 99% era de suponerse la materia que predomina en la construccion del barco era madera. 😔😔
The Portuguese navy could not let a piece of history be forgotten so they decided to restore it together with the help of the Portuguese government in 1992, it took 5 years to restore it to leave it 100% exact to the original frigate, until in 1997 it was converted into a museum and is currently on display in the center of Lisbon next to the Rio Tejo.😁😁
La marina Portuguesa no podia dejar que una pieza de historia quedara en el olvido por lo que decidieron restaurarla junto con la ayuda del gobierno Portugues en 1992, 5 años demoraron en restaurarla para dejarla 100% exacta a la fragata original, hasta que en 1997 fue convertida en museo y actualmente esta en exhibicion en el centro de Lisboa a lado del Rio Tejo.😮😝
The compass was used to orient the ship in a certain direction, generally the bow was used as a guide along with the compass! it worked based on the earth's magnetic electrofield🧭
La brujula era usada para orientar el barco hacia una direccion generalmente la proa era usada como guia junto a la brujula! esta funcionaba con base al electrocampo magnetico de la tierra🧭
It was usually maneuvered by 2 men but it could be maneuvered by up to 4 men if the weather turned bad, it required a lot of physical strength, generally the man with the most experience was the one who moved the wheel in the direction of the compass😁😁
Generalmente era maniobrada por 2 hombres pero podia ser maniobrada hasta por 4 hombres si el clima se tornaba mal, requeria basta fuerza fisica generalmente el hombre con mas experiencia era que movia la rueda en direccion a la brujula🤯🧠
This was a force device that was used as a trailer for smaller boats, to move it steel bars were placed in the holes, it was so difficult to maneuver that 84 men were needed to move the central axis😮😮
Este era un aparato de fuerza que era usado como remolque para embarcaciones mas pequeñas, para moverlo se colocaban barras de acero en los orificios, era tan dificil de maniobrar que se necesitaban 84 hombres para hacer mover el eje central🦾🦾
I would have liked to have been able to shoot a cannon hahahaha xD my evil face said it all... Actually it is quite interesting to be able to hold in my hands an object used for half a century, they were very heavy my wife could not lift one, I read that he average was between 17 to 20kg🤣😂
Me hubiese gustado poder disparar un cañon hahahaha xD mi cara de malvado lo decia todo... En realidad es bastante interesante poder tener en mis manos un objeto usado desde hace medio siglo, eran muy pesadas mi esposa no pudo levantar una, lei que el promedio era de entre 17 a 20kg😎😬
Here we see the center of the frigate with some descriptions and then we see how some wooden cages that served as transport for chickens, they were called "capoerias" in English "henhouse" the eggs were a prized food for the crew and several were produced here, You know the most interesting thing about these "cages" is that since they were made of wood they were also used as lifesavers floats"😏🙄
Aqui vemos el centro de la fragata con algunas descripciones y luego vemos como unas jaulas de madera que servian como transporte de gallinas, se llamaban " capoerias" en ingles "henhouse" los huevos eran un alimento preciado por la tripulacion y aqui se producian varios, sabes lo mas interesante de estas "jaulas" es que como eran madera tambien eran usadas como flotadores salvavidas"😅😄🥚🐔
Here we see the tools that were used to maintain the cannons
Aqui vemos las herramientas que eran usadas para hacer mantenimiento a los cañones
My favorite object xD is a 12mm cannon, they were known as "hunting" cannons, they had a rate of fire of two shots per minute and were maneuvered by 12 men. It was used to pursue other ships with a range of 100 meters😮💥💥
Mi objeto preferido xD es un cañon de 12mm, eran conocidos como cañones de "caza" tenian un ritmo de fuego de dos disparos por minuto y maniobrado por 12 hombres. Se usaba para perseguir otros navios con un alcance de 100metros💥💥
A nice object that if you saw in the video I use it and it makes a lot of noise xD, basically the bell had several uses from instructing guard changes inside the ship to being used as a location to indicate its presence to other ships🤩🤩
Un lindo objeto que si vistes en el video lo utilice y hace mucho ruido xD, basicamente la campana tenia varios usos desde dar instruccion de cambios de guardias dentro del barco hasta ser empleado como localizacion para indicar a otros barcos su presencia😮
This frigate was advanced and had an emergency fire fighting system called a "rod pump" that actually worked by gravity using sea water to put out fires.😋😋
Esta fragata era avanzada y tenia un sistema de emergencia contra incencios llamada "bomba de vara" en realidad funcionaba por gravedad usando agua del mar para apagar incendios💧🔥
I present to you my friend wilson and he represents a bad example within the frigate xD, wilson did not fulfill his tasks and had a bad behavior! There were no jails on this frigate, so as you can see, the Portuguese were punished for not fulfilling their tasks!
Te presento a mi amigo wilson y el representa un mal ejemplo dentro de la fragata xD, wilson no cumplio con sus tareas y tuvo un mal comportamiento! no habian carceles en esta fragata asi que como puedes ver asi era castigado el Portugues que no cumplia con sus tareas!😅😣
The issue of food on ships was something very interesting, they have no idea how complicated it was to be a crew member of a ship, first they could only eat products that were salty for their preservation, in general since water was very scarce and precious A crew member could only drink water twice a day and added that they only consumed salty products, the sensation of thirst inside the frigate was horrible! When a trip was very long, they took live animals to kill on the trip and consume within the hour! such is the case of cows, goats, sheep!😮😮
El tema de la alimentacion en los barcos fue algo muy interesante, no tienen idea de lo complicado que era ser un tripulante de un barco, primero solo podian comer productos que eran salados para su preservacion, en general como el agua era muy escasa y preciada un tripulante solo podria beber 2 veces agua por dia y sumado que solo consumian productos salados, era horrible la sensacion de sed dentro de la fragata! cuando un viaje era muy largo se llevaban animales vivos para ir matando en el viaje y consumir en la hora! tal es el caso de vacas, cabras, ovejas!🐷🐏🐐
I have read a lot on the subject of how a person lived in the age of discoveries in the 15th century and for example, of 300 people who set sail to discover continents, only about 20, 15 returned... This tells us how hard life was in the crews! no one could bathe like we do today! Only the captain and his assistants were the ones who had a more balanced and "safe" diet when the resources were exhausted, the main source of food was the rats that abounded on the ships! there were those who hunted it to market it among the members of the crew! homosexuality and rape were very common!🤔😥
He leido mucho sobre el tema de como vivia una persona en la era de los descubrimientos en el siglo 15 y por ejemplo de 300 personas que zarpaban para descubrir continentes solo regresaban unos 20, 15...Esto nos dice lo duro que era la vida en las tripulaciones! nadie podia bañarse como lo hacemos hoy en dia! solo el capitan y sus ayudantes eran quienes tenian una alimentacion mas balanceada y "segura" cuando los recursos eran agotados, la principal fuente de comida eran las ratas que abundaban en los barcos! habian quienes la cazaban para comercializarlas entre los miembros de la tripulacion! la homosexualidad y violaciones eran muy comunes!😶😫
Let's remember that this is a much more modern ship than those used in the 15th century so it was more comfortable for the crew members before they all slept on the floor at this height they slept on hanging beds xD, look how happy wilson is sleeping next to joao xD😏
Recordemos que este es un barco mucho mas modernos que aquellos usados en el siglo 15 por lo que era mas comodo para los miembros de la tripulacion antes dormian todos en el suelo en esta altura dormian en camas colgantes xD, mira lo feliz que esta wilson durmiendo a lado de joao xD😂
This frigate had medical services and had a surgeon inside who kept the crew in good condition, had the ability to perform operations! we also see family rooms for families who made long trips! We see a chapel for religious purposes, the dining area where the crew ate but which was separated from the captain's dining area! there was a certain respect for the high command and they had their privileges!😁😀
Esta fragata contaba con servicios medicos y llevaba un cirujano dentro que mantenia a los tripulantes en buenas condiciones, tenia la capacidad de hacer operaciones! tambien vemos cuartos familiares para familias que hacian viajes largos! vemos una capilla con fines religiosos, la zona del comedor donde comian los tripulantes pero que era apartada del area del comedor del capitan! habia cierto respeto por el alto mando y tenian sus privilegios!👨⚕️💂♂️👨🏫👨💼
Finally we have an area that was on the 3rd floor where there was a room for the blacksmith who repaired the ship, and a room to store gunpowder and everything that was flammable! There was even an exclusive one for the "lamps" that were very flammable!😃
Por ultimo tenemos un area que era en el 3 piso donde habia un cuarto para el herrero quien reparaba el barco, y un cuarto para guardar la polvora y todo lo que era inflamable! hasta habia uno exclusivo para las "lamparas" que eran muy inflamable!💥
Finally and to say goodbye to some interesting data, the frigate had 2 bathrooms, one for the gentlemen and the other for the ladies, it had the capacity to carry 65 people seated, it had an area of 400 square meters
Por ultimo y para despedirme unos datos interesante, la fragata tenia 2 baños uno para los caballeros y otro para las damas, tenia la capacidad de llevas 65 personas sentadas tenia un area de 400metros cuadrados
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