A Moroccan Escapade - Arrival at the Guesthouse and first Explorations

in #hive-163772last year

Do you too, despite the arrival of spring, sometimes feel a bit moody ? This is what happens to me every year, even if there is never anything alarming. And then it's an opportunity to dream a little about other places we've already visited... and about all those we haven't yet discovered other than in our thoughts.

I've been in this frame of mind for a few days now, and while I was getting lost in my digital and memory archives, I came across the file of this trip to Morocco, which is already a few years old. What better way to transform the sweet gloom of this late winter... until the arrival of the first tender green leaves in France ?

And then for many of you, I imagine that it will always be the occasion to discover this country with such a rich history and culture, architectural, culinary, clothing, sociological, so close and yet so far in many aspects !



We left as a family - 6 of us in total, with all the organisation that entails :) from Marseille airport. We had driven in the middle of the night to catch our plane, which was the first to take off early in the morning.


I didn't document the airport as such, nor the one in Marseille or Tangier where we were arriving, even as I was going through my mental images, I thought I should have... But maybe I'll do that next time ?

The first image of the country is on the road with this farmer who walks with his animals, cows and mules in front of us on a yellow and dry road and who imposes his rhythm with tranquillity, leaving us all the opportunity to enjoy the landscape.

It is worth mentioning that it was the end of April and I think it is a good time to go to this area, which is at the same height as the small port town of Asilah. Everything is greener and maybe less hot... After that it's up to you, but as I come from a temperate country, the big heat is not for me !


This is part of the guest house that will serve as our base during this trip. However, we will also explore the surrounding towns and face the Atlantic Ocean.




But I have to tell you on the other hand that leaving home could also be complicated at times. And for good reason, it was a real paradise! You must have already understood that from the few architectural pictures above..., We were invited by family friends and the stay had everything to go well.



With my closest brother, we take a tour of the surrounding area, including a rather lush garden and a potager that I still regret not having gone to see more closely !



In several places, there were various small wood-fired ovens built of stones and covered with earth to bake bread and other dishes.

Further away from the house, there was another one next to the sauna to heat the water that evaporated in the heat of the somewhat dark and humid place...


Here we are in the inner courtyard, well shaded and therefore cool, as all the walls are white and at the foot of which grow many shrubs and in particular bougainvilleas whose small pink flowers you can recognize.

If you have looked as well, I had also directly launched into a sketch of this architecture so simple and intelligent and that one sees so little in Europe, except of course in the Mediterranean countries which share the same climate as the countries of North Africa.




The rest of the day, we discover the nooks and crannies of the house and especially these large terraces covered with mats and carpets, corners more in the shade or in full sun.

As I was already taking pictures at the time, you will have articles already well illustrated, but as I was not sharing here yet, there will be more " gaps " than if I was doing this trip now.

However, I think that you will still be able to feel through these pictures and my descriptions, some of the atmosphere of the region and the country.


The incredible homemade cakes made by the cook from whom I learned many recipes that I always enjoy making again !


The day ends already on one of these terraces which dominates the surrounding hills, all crossed by paths on foot or on donkey back. Before ending, I would like to specify that I do not see this only from a westerner's point of view, but especially from the point of view of a man and a person who sees others who managed to preserve their culture, with of course its advantages and its other disadvantages.

Some of you will have understood, I may share here with a pleasure always renewed, but I remain attached to simple forms of living and therefore, quite refractory to the so-called benefits of progress (especially that which is expensive ;) !

Understand who can, but for me, a mule is better than a car that will get stuck in the first muddy rut !

I thank you for your visit and reading and I hope you enjoyed this first episode... And yes, because there will be others as you can deduce !

See you soon then, I wish you an excellent day,



Est-ce que vous aussi, malgré l'arrivée du printemps, il vous arrive d'avoir un petit coup de mou ? C'est en tout cas ce qui m'arrive chaque année, même s'il n'y jamais vraiment rien d'alarmant. Et puis c'est l'occasion de rêver un peu d'autres endroits que l'on a déjà visité... et de tous les autres que l'on a pas encore découvert autrement qu'en pensées.

Je suis dans cet état d'esprit depuis quelques jours et en allant me perdre dans mes archives digitales et mémorielles, je suis retombé sur le dossier de ce voyage au Maroc qui date de quelques années déjà. Quelle meilleure manière pouvais-je trouver pour transformer la douce morosité de cette fin d'hiver... le tout jusqu'à l'arrivée des premières feuilles au vert tendre en France ?

Et puis pour beaucoup d'entre vous, j'imagine que cela sera toujours l'occasion de découvrir ce pays à l'histoire et à la culture si riche, architecturale, culinaire, vestimentaire, sociologiquement, à la fois si proche et lointaine par bien des aspects !



Nous sommes partis en famille - à 6 au total, avec toute l'organisation que cela implique:) depuis l'aéroport de Marseille. Nous avions pris la route au beau milieu de la nuit afin de prendre notre avion qui était le premier à décoller de bon matin.


Je n'ai pas documenté l'aéroport en tant que tel, pas plus celui de Marseille ou celui de Tanger où nous arrivions, même en me plongeant dans mes images mentales, je me dis que j'aurais dû... Mais peut-être que je ferai cela la prochaine fois ?

La première image du pays, c'est sur la route avec cet éleveur qui cheminent avec ses bêtes, vaches et mulets devant nous sur une route jaune et sèche et qui imposant son rythme avec tranquillité, nous laisse toute l'occasion de profiter du paysage.

Détail à préciser, nous étions vers la fin avril et je pense qu'il s'agit d'une bonne période pour se rendre dans cette région à la même hauteur que la petite ville portuaire d'Asilah. Tout est plus vert et peut-être moins chaud... Après c'est à vous de voir, mais comme je viens d'un pays tempéré, les grosses chaleurs ne sont pas pour moi !


Voilà une partie de la maison d'hôtes qui nous servira de point de base durant ce voyage. Ce qui n'empêche pas que nous irons explorer les villes environnantes et nous rendre aussi face à l'Océan Atlantique.




Mais je dois vous avouer aussi d'un autre côté que quitter la maison pouvait aussi être parfois compliqué. Et pour cause, c'était un véritable paradis ! Vous devez déjà avoir compris cela d'après les quelques images d'architecture au dessus..., Nous étions invités par des amis de la famille et le séjour avait donc tout pour bien se dérouler.



Avec mon frère le plus proche, nous faisons un tour des proches environs avec notamment un jardin plutôt luxuriant et un potager que je regrette encore de ne pas être allé voir de plus près !



À plusieurs endroits, il y avait différents petits four à bois construits en pierres et recouverts de terre pour cuire le pain et d'autres plats.

Plus loin de la maison, on en retrouvait un autre accolé au sauna pour chauffer l'eau qui s'évaporait dans la touffeur du lieu un peu sombre et humide...


Là, nous sommes dans la cour intérieur, bien à l'ombre et donc au frais, comme tous les murs sont blancs et au pied desquels poussent de nombreuses arbustes et notamment des bougainvilliers dont vous pourrez reconnaitre les petites fleurs roses.

Si vous avez aussi bien regardé, je m'étais aussi directement lancé dans un croquis de cette architecture si simple et intelligente et que l'on voit si peu en Europe, hormis bien-sûr dans les pays méditerranéens qui partagent le même climat que les pays du Nord de l'Afrique.




Le reste de la journée, nous découvrons les recoins de la maison et surtout ces grandes terrasses couvertes de nattes et de tapis, de coins plus à l'ombre ou bien en plein soleil.

Comme je prenais déjà des images à l'époque, vous aurez des articles déjà bien illustrés, mais comme je ne partageais pas encore ici, il y aura forcément plus de "trous" que si je faisais ce voyage maintenant.

Pour autant, je pense que vous pourrez tout de même ressentir à travers ces images et mes descriptions, un peu de l'atmosphère de la région et du pays.


Les incroyables galettes faites maison par la cuisinière auprès de laquelle j'ai appris de nombreuses recettes que je refais toujours avec plaisir !


La journée se termine déjà sur l'une de ces terrasses qui domine de peu les collines environnantes toutes parcourues de sentiers parcourus à pied ou à dos d'âne. Avant de terminer, je voudrais préciser que je ne vois pas cela d'un oeil d'occidental seulement, mais surtout d'homme et de personne qui en voit d'autres ayants parvenus à conserver leur culture, avec bien entendu ses avantages et ses autres inconvénients.

Certains de vous l'aurons compris, j'ai beau partager ici avec un plaisir toujours renouvelé, je n'en reste pas moins attaché à des formes simples de vivre et de ce fait, assez réfractaire au soi-disant bénéfices du progrès (surtout celui qui coûte cher ;) !

Comprenne qui pourra, mais pour moi, mieux vaut une mule qu'une voiture qui s'embourbera à la première ornière boueuse !

Je vous remercie pour votre visite et lecture et j'espère que vous aurez apprécié ce premier épisode... Et oui, car il y en aura d'autres comme vous aurez peu le supposer avec déduction !

À très bientôt donc, je vous souhaite une excellente journée,




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I totally loved Morocco, mainly for its generous people but also for its food, markets, smells and pure simplicity. my visit felt like traveling back in time, to a place left out of the race into "progress".
I bet this visit and this house will serve you as inspiration in your new endeavour. a mud brick oven has been on my wish list for ever. a sauna is yet another.
keep safe.

It was totally like that I envisaged this beautiful country !

a mud brick oven has been on my wish list for ever. a sauna is yet another.

Hehe, would love to have the opportunity to be here for the workshop 😉 !

Take good care dear @bigorna1 :D

It feels good to be back reading about your adventure again.

If you have been to Morocco, I have expect you to visit Nigeria someday. I love the fact that you choose a simple lifestyle always, it is accompanied with love, peace and happiness.

Morocco is a beautiful place in Africa, full of beautiful cultures and landscape. I am certain you enjoyed your trip.

Hey @george-dee ✌️

I have expect you to visit Nigeria someday.

I would really love that, and for sure, if I come, you'll be among the first to know 😜 !

I went few times there and every time it was different...

Thanks for visiting, have a good day :D

Can you believe I have never been to Morrocco?

This part of the world fascinates me, for how they live as they always have and not letting progress get in their way. Why do we insist on fixing things that are not broken?

I can see that your trip was self-absorbing, with fewer pictures from you, and yes! Sometimes that is a good thing. I sometimes enjoy the moment and worry about later. I love their distinct architecture and landscaping. The cake looks delicious. What was it made of?

Hey @dswigle :)

Can you believe I have never been to Morrocco?

I can... even if I’m rather shocked 😂
A new travel in perspective so ?

I agree, this part of the world attracts a lot of expectations and desires and I love how some of the people we met there looked simple in the materialistic aspects, but that was just an illusion... All because the real treasures are inside. But you already know that ;-)

I think the cake was made of wheat grains, a bit like couscous but thinner, will try to fin a good recipe !

Thanks you again for visiting, I hope you’re doing well since you got back 😉😘

A new place to travel is in order!

Hidden treasures are the best, aren't they?

I would love a new recipe! You always have the best! I need to stop by your profile and check out your progress, I am still running to catch up, but, eventually, I will get there.

Thank you for taking the time to respond. Have a peaceful night.

You’re most welcome :)

It’s a bit the rush here too, but it’s quite normal at this period, no ? The beginning of the Spring and everything we have or haven’t done during winter !

Still searching the best recipe, also it will maybe be in French :)

Thanks you for taking the time to stop by 😇 Have a good day!

What a wonderful trip and place ☺️.
I use to feel the same when the spring comes but with this trip you did you should be less moody hehe.

I like the fact that it is a place that seems kinda a desert, dry and with reddish colors and the there is a very green place with a lot of vegetation.

I hope you and your family enjoyed the stay

Yeah, seems like I’m not the only one haha ! There’s really this oasis philosophy, even when there’s enough water.

That dip in those happy digital memories are a good preparation to celebrate the end of winter ❄️

Take good care ✌️

I don't feel moody in the spring time 🥳🌷🌻🌹.
Maybe a bit sick from all the changes and flowers but always happy!

Thanks for taking us along with you on this adventure. I needed to escape my moody brain as we are preparing for winter!!

Oh yeah, for you it's in the other side, gosh ! Is it very cold sometimes ?

I don't feel moody in the spring time

For me it's juste at the beginning lol

Thanks you for visiting and your positive energy dear @misshugo 😊 !

Have a good day !!

I think we are lucky 🤔. Temperature in my town will go to around -5 C (23 F) on average. And during the day it will go up to 10-15 C (50 F). So while it's cold, it's not as bad as other places 😜. We do get extreme cold if it snows in Lesotho 🥶, that icy cold that you can't hid from (then it's between -15 C (5 F) or -10 C (14) F, with temps only going up to 5 C (40 F). But we never get our own snow.

Wow ! I would never have think it could go so much much down 😱 ! Yeah, so it’s quite freezing at some point, but while writing that, I’m thinking that you’re really south, finally quite close from Antarctica!

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Merci à vous ! Bonne journée ✌️

It is so inspiring to read about your Moroccan escapade! Your vivid descriptions and beautiful photographs have transported me to another world, and I am sure many others feel the same way. It is completely understandable to feel a bit moody in the transition from winter to spring, but it is wonderful that you have found solace in revisiting your travel memories.

Your appreciation for the simple things in life is truly admirable. It is refreshing to hear someone who values the preservation of culture and traditional ways of living. Your love for the region and its people is evident in your words and images, and it is clear that you have a deep respect for the country's history and culture.

Thank you for sharing your experiences with us, and I look forward to reading more about your journey. Keep exploring and cherishing the beauty around you!

Happy to be

@anttn! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @old-man-chu58. (5/10)

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Hey ! Many thanks for your positive energy and input here :)

I tend to believe a real part of the solution is by being here and now as to know how to enjoy (almost) everything and everyday around us... With the years, I now love some aspects of life I really don’t before. Just had to take them for they are without any expectations...

Morocco is an incredible place and I truly asked myself if I will instal there, life took an other turn, but there’s many left and I’m still wondering about that !

Among the most generous people I’ve ever met 🌟

I wish you a great day ahead, take good care !

Thank you. you have a great day as well

@anttn! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @old-man-chu58. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

I like the architectural make up of the building.

The incredible homemade cakes made

I hope you don't keep yours too long in the oven😅..

Great tour by the way ✨

Thanks you for visiting dear @wongi :)

Oh no, it needs to be watched carefully heheh 😏

Have a good day and see you for the coming episodes ✌🏼

Have a good day and see you for the coming episodes ✌🏼

See you around☺️

Interesting interesting, excellent volume work.

I'm a bit moody when Spring comes as well. Same happens at the arrival of cold seasons but any escapade really helps, no matter what the destination is. Actually, spending time in nature is a great remedy for that and I often take walks in park just to keep my bad moods away. I'm sure that the escapade you had, helped a bit with your mood too :)

Yeah, Nature is the best remedy of all... but my little escape in those digital memories is working pretty well too !

Thanks for taking the time to read and visit ! I wish you a great day ahead 🍀🌟

Thank you! Hope you have a lovely day! 🍀

Thank you ! Even if I'm rather late ^^ it was a good one 😉😊

I wish you a very pleasant weekend ✌️

Thank you! Hope you have a lovely weekend as well! 😊

Thanks 😊😘 !