The Old Town of Arles - First time visiting one of the Gems of southern France

in #hive-163772last year

Hello dear Hivers and Travelers of the Pinmapple community ! When you study art history, you quickly realize that Arles occupies an important place. Indeed, this small town on the banks of the Rhône has been home to a great many painters, including the famous Van Gogh and, for a time, Gaugin.

But the town's history didn't begin with the impressionist painters, and its roots go all the way back to protohistory, to the Bronze Age (-1800 to -750) and the Iron Age (-750 to -50), the last phase of which was the Gallic period. And in the case of Arles, also the Roman period.

The town is therefore over 2,500 years old and the Roman colony of the time had been determined by Julius Caesar as a reward for the help of its inhabitants in one of his many conquests.

But I'll wait for another article with more of an ancient history slant to talk about the history of the city, as this one will be mainly focused on my discovery of the city and even just a few of its districts, as my time there was limited.



This visit begins on the rooftops of the city on our host's terrace. During the few days I'm here, I'm scheduled to work on various art projects. That's partly why I wasn't able to do as many visits as I would have liked !



But what I saw was already intense and full enough for me to have no regrets and take with me only beautiful images like these first four presented above !




So here we are the next morning, after a stormy night that soaked the streets and left us with a grey, bright sky that's not particularly suitable for taking pictures.

But I'm happy with it all the same, as I have no choice. Even so, the colors of the streets and buildings would have been brighter with a bit more sunshine and blue in the sky.




I'm on my way to the Musée Départemental d'Arles, which has a magnificent collection of Roman antiquities. So I'm on a orientated tour, so to speak ^^


A beautiful church around the corner, but as I approached, a mass was being held and that's why I didn't take any photos of the interior...



The colors of the houses are all warm and in shades of red ochre or yellow and really, you already feel like you're in Italy, but it's just the South of France that's like this throughout its Mediterranean zone.



In this city of painters - and photographers with the festival that takes place every year a little later in the summer - you can even find canvases in rubbish bins ! I didn't take this one as I was pretty busy, but it might have been a good idea for a joke!

Just next door, like a large fresco, I found this map of the city. It's a bit difficult to see clearly, but it gives a good idea of the general shape of the city...


Toujours sur mon itinéraire, je tombe sur cette tour, reste du système de fortifications de la ville à la période du Moyen-Âge. Nous sommes alors le long des quais du Rhône.


And now I've arrived at the museum I want to visit. You'll have to forgive the ellipsis in this article, but you'll have to wait a while for the visit to this museum, but it's quite substantial !




We resumed our visit two hours later, and the best thing was that by the time we came out, the wind had blown away the clouds and the sky was blue! What a pleasure to see the city like this, in contrast to the morning when the weather wasn't very nice !





I follow the same narrow streets and squares, but of course everything looks very different !





Many of the streets are all in bloom and here I can't help but mention @dswigle who I think will be curious to see this a little closer :)




We'll finish our visit on the quays of the Rhône, with a third of these buildings adorned with a statue on the corner.

I hope you've enjoyed and found this article interesting, and I'd like to thank you for the time you spent with me on this tour. Take good care of you !



Bonjour chers Hivers et Voyageurs de la communauté Pinmapple ! Lorsqu'on étudie l'histoire de l'art, on se rend rapidement compte qu'Arles occupe un place importante. En effet, cette petite ville au bord du fleuve du Rhône aura accueillie un grand nombre de peintres, parmi lesquels on trouve le célèbre Van Gogh accompagné un temps de Gaugin.

Mais l'histoire de cette ville n'a pas attendu les peintres impressionistes pour commencer et ses racines remontent jusqu'à la protohistoire, cette période correspond à l'Âge du Bronze (-1800 – -750) et à l'Âge du Fer (-750 – -50) et sa dernière phase correspond à la période gauloise. Et dans le cas de Arles, énormément romaine.

La ville a donc plus de 2500 ans et la colonie romaine de l'époque avait été déterminée par Jules César comme récompense pour l'aide de ses habitants dans l'une de ses nombreuses conquêtes.

Mais j'attendrai un autre article plus tourné vers l'histoire antique pour parler de l'histoire de la ville, en effet, cet article-là sera surtout orienté vers ma découverte de la ville et même pourrait-on parler de quelques quartiers seulement comme mon temps était compté sur place.



Cette visite commence sur les toits de la ville sur la terrasse de notre hôte. En effet, les quelques jours où je suis là, il était prévu que je travaille sur différents projets artistiques. C'est en partie pour cela que je n'ai pas pu faire autant de visites que je l'aurai initialement souhaité !



Mais ce que j'ai vu a déjà était assez intense et fourni pour que je n'ai aucun regrets et n'emporte avec moi que de belles images comme ces quatre premières présentées ci-dessus !




Nous voilà alors le lendemain matin, après une nuit d'orage qui a trempé les rues et nous laisse un ciel gris et lumineux qui n'est pas particulièrement adapté pour prendre des images.

Mais je m'en contente tout de même comme je n'ai pas le choix. Pour autant, les couleurs des rues et des bâtiments auraient été plus vives avec un peu plus de soleil et de bleu dans le ciel.




Je suis alors en route pour le musée départemental d'Arles et qui présente une magnifique collection d'antiquités romaines. Je suis donc en visite orientée si l'on peut dire ^^


Une belle église à un coin de rue, mais alors que je m'approche, une messe s'y tient et c'est pour cela que je n'ai pas pris de photos de l'intérieur...



Les couleurs de maisons sont toutes chaudes et sont dans les tons rouges ocres ou jaunes et vraiment, on se sent déjà comme Italie, mais c'est juste le Sud de la France qui est ainsi dans toute sa zone méditerranéenne.



Dans cette ville de peintres - et de photographes avec le festival qui se tient chaque année un peu plus tard dans l'été - on trouve même des toiles dans les poubelles ! Je n'ai pas pris celle-ci comme j'étais assez chargé, mais ça aurait peu être une bonne idée pour une blague !

Juste à côté comme une grande fresque, j'ai trouvé ce plan de la ville. Un peu difficile d'y voir clair, mais cela donne une bonne idée de la forme générale de la ville...


Toujours sur mon itinéraire, je tombe sur cette tour, reste du système de fortifications de la ville à la période du Moyen-Âge. Nous sommes alors le long des quais du Rhône.


Voilà que j'arrive au musée que je souhaite visiter. Vous me pardonnerez j'imagine l'ellipse dans cet article, mais vous devrez attendre un peu pour la visite de ce musée, mais celle-ci est assez conséquente !




Nous reprenons notre visite deux petites heures plus tard et le plus génial, c'est qu'en ressortant, le vent avait balayé les nuages et il faisait grand bleu ! Quel plaisir de voir ains la ville par contraste avec la matinée où il ne faisait pas très beau !





J'emprunte les mêmes ruelles et placettes, mais forcément, tout paraît bien différent !





Un grand nombre des rues sont toutes fleuries et ici, je ne peut m'empêcher de mentionner @dswigle qui je pense sera curieuse de voir cela d'un peu plus près :)




Nous terminerons cette visite sur les quais du Rhône et avec un troisième de ces bâtiments ornés d'une statue au coin.

J'espère que cet article vous aura plût et intéressé et je vous remercie pour le temps de votre tour à mes côtés. Prenez bien soin de vous !



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Thank you dear @lizanomadsoul 😊

Have a lovely day !

Amazing blog @anttn
Check out my new travel community Wanderlust Explorers.
It would be a great help for me if you subscribe to my community.

Hey @yashjain, I will check about it !
Thank you for letting me know and thank you for stopping by ✌️

Take good care !

Wow I love the place already💖 It is very peaceful and the treasures passed by their ancestors are well preserved. It is amazinggg💖

Your words reflect perfectly my vibe discovering the city haha 😇

Thank you for taking the time ✌️

I've heard it's a lovely place, and certainly sounds it from your account. I'm looking forward to your post that shows of the ancient side of the town !

Thank you dear @hoosie 😊

Well... it will be today hehe :)

And for the tour of the antique museum, few more days as I took maybe too much pictures ^^

I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your exploration of Arles, a town steeped in history and artistic heritage. Your vivid descriptions transported me to the colorful streets and beautiful architecture. It's fascinating to learn about the town's ancient origins and its significance in the art world. Your passion for the subject shines through your words. Thank you for taking us on this virtual tour and sharing your experiences. Looking forward to more captivating articles from you. Take care!

Thank you so much for your kind words and your feedback, it's the most precious thing for me.

In fact, I've always loved history, because it basically tells us, in the form of a rebus, what the future is made of...!

I'd also like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Hive, I hope you'll enjoy the place :)
Feel free to ask about stuff if needed, I wish you a lovely day ✌️

Thank you for your warm welcome, If I need to ask something you can be sure that I'll!

👍 You're most welcome ! See you around ✌️

What a beautiful city. The narrow streets and corridors illuminated by the sun look really spectacular. To make many sections of painting outdoors. I just didn't like the painting they voted for in the trash.

Yes, it really is the atmosphere of the old shopping towns in the south of France... and Europe in general :)

Thanks for visiting @denisda and RIP for the discarded canvas ^^ !

Oh, that would be a place for me. I would love walking around these streets. I can't say clearly what this place reminds me of, but it's probably because it's kind of a mixture of Italy, Portugal and maybe Spain, but definitely not France 😂 And there are some features of canton Graubunden in Switzerland too!

Beautiful place 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

This is really true, I had the same impression about that mix... there's a lot of Italy for sure and all parts from south Europe for sure. If it wasn't that hot during summer, I would gladly live there... but maybe just during winter so haha !

I'm glad you enjoyed 😊 I hope you're doing well !

Amazing place, but so are your photos! What a place!

I totally enjoyed scrolling through all these photos. They got better with the sunshine and the blue Skies like you mentioned.

which has a magnificent collection of Roman antiquities

Sounds very interesting

This was a beautiful tour, I'm glad you shared it with us✨


@anttn Beautiful places

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Thank you @bhattg, I hope you're doing well 😉

you are welcome, yes I am doing great I hope you are doing great too.

!giphy welcome


It's normal, even if we're interacting at distance, I always care about how people are going hehe... And I'm even not a mama 😂 !

Thank you ! I'm doing well too 😇

He hee kind of wired too sometimes 😅😉. Lol you are a caring person i guess that's you are used to do this kind of words. It is a good and beautiful day here. It was will noon here in a few minutes. 😜

Lol you are a caring person

I've always been :D

Nice ! Here we just past 8pm ✌️

Aha time to sleep then 😛. Have a great sleep 💤😴😴🙏

Hehe, almost indeed 😉 ! But I'm always a bit late haha..!