
Thank you! This is quite a coincidence...

Beautiful, @melinda010100! Your niece and the Arc de Triomphe...

Your niece is traveling in Europe! I remember when you told me about your trip to Europe and you posted a photo from Portugal, I think.

The Arc of Triumph in Paris is much bigger and more beautiful than the one in Bucharest, and the artistic part, the bas-reliefs, and statues are spectacular.

I have been lucky enough to travel around many countries in Europe! I remember we both loved our travels to Greece. France and Portugal were particular favorites and I returned there multiple times. As my MS has progressed I have been unable to continue traveling but I certainly have some great memories!

Surely, your memories are wonderful, especially since you visited these countries when it was very pleasant to do so. Now times and people have changed.

I agree that things have changed. I'm happy to stay close to home these days!