Shopping in Stockholm, Sweden (BlackFriday Weekend 2022) - 11262022

in #hive-1637722 years ago

The National Opera House is located a few minutes walk from the Royal Gardens. It is beautifully illuminated at night, especially at this time of year.
De weg naar de Nudie Jeans winkel was ook mooi verlicht. De kerstverlichting is erg mooi.
This is the entrance to the Royal Gardens. The heavy snow that fell the other day still remains. In summer, many citizens come here to sunbathe.
Swedish luxury department store, NK!
Christmas tree seen for the first time this year🎄

HIVE and my development - Growth! 成長😄🥦🥦

I was transferred to a new position at work and was very busy at this time. I knew I had a lot to learn and spent a lot of time on it, so I was not able to update my blog on HIVE very often. I have kept HIVE as a diary and a record of my growth and development for myself to read over again someday. I feel happy to be able to update my blog after a long time, since I was only able to use HIVE for tweeting on Dbuzz.

Black Friday Weekend 2022

I finally had some time to get myself together and decided to go shopping in the city for the first time in a while. It was the first payday weekend and, come to think of it, today was "Black Friday Weekend," so there were many people in the city. I thought that everyone was feeling that they could finally have a "normal Christmas🎅" this year after getting over the Covid19 pandemic.

These days in Stockholm we are seeing more and more days with temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius, and I feel that we are getting close to the day when it will be below zero already🥶. I went out to the city to look for some warmer pants, but I ended up going to Nudie Jeans ( ), where I usually shop. As I get older, I find that all the places and brands I buy clothes from are the same. but every time I think about it, it becomes a hassle and I end up buying from the same places. 🙄🙄

Ta en promenad i staden

After shopping, I decided to take a short walk. At this time of year in Sweden, the sun sets around 4:00 p.m. and it gets very dark. It is dark when the sun goes down, but this is also the time of year when Christmas lights begin to decorate the streets, and the glowing lights were so beautiful that it was a refreshing change of gloomy mood as I strolled through the streets.

A short walk from the city, there is the Royal Gardens, which I decided to visit. During the summer, it is a place of relaxation where citizens gather to sunbathe, but in the winter, it is also home to the annual ⛸skating rink. ( The recent heavy snowfall had left a lot of snow on the street, creating a large pile of snow next to the rink. Seeing children skating and playing on that snow heap/pile made my heart happy.

Then I walked to the old town, which I will show you in the next blog.


仕事で新しいポジションに異動になり、この頃はとても忙しくしていました。 やっぱり色々と学ぶことも多く、それにたくさんの時間を費やしていて、なかなかHIVEでブログを更新することが出来ていませんでした。 HIVEはわたしの日記として、また成長記録としてまたいつか読み返すために自分の為にも残しています。 この頃はいつもDbuzzでつぶやく程度しかHIVEを使えていなかったので、久しぶりにこうしてブログを更新出来てよかったなぁと感じています。

Black Friday Weekend 2022

やっと自分の中でまとまった時間が出来て、久しぶりに市内に出て買い物をすることにしました。 給料日最初の週末だし、思えば今日は「Black Friday Weekend」と言うこともあり、市内には沢山の人で賑わっていました。 マスクを付けてる人もこの頃はほとんど見かけなくなり、やっとコロナを克服した通常のクリスマスを今年を送れるのではと皆が感じているのではないかと思いました。

この頃ストックホルムでは5度を下回る日が増えてきて、もう零度を下回る日が来るのは近いなぁと感じています。 いつも履いているズボンが少し寒く感じてきて、少し暖かいズボンを買おうと思い市内に出て探したのですが、結局はいつも買い物をするNudie Jeansへ行くことにしました。 年をとると、服を買う場所もブランドもすべて同じになってきて、「これではいけない!」と思うのですが、思うたびに面倒になって、結局同じところで買っています。


買い物の後に少し散歩をすることにしました。 この頃スウェーデンでは午後4時頃には日が沈み、とても暗くなります。 暗くなると気分が沈むのですが、この時期はクリスマスイルミネーションが街を飾り始める時期でもあって、光り輝くそのイルミネーションはとても綺麗で、街を散歩しているととても気分転換になりました。

市内から少し歩いたところに王立庭園があるのですが、そこに行くことにしました。 夏の間は日光浴をする市民が集まる憩いの場所ですが、冬は恒例の⛸スケートリンクが併設されます。 先日の大雪で道には沢山の雪が残っていて、リンクの隣には大きな雪の山を作っていました。 子供がスケートしたり、その雪山で遊んでいる姿を見ると、こちらまで心が楽しくなってきました。


🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦
🥦 ᛗᛁᛉᚢᛟ ᛫ ᚾᛗᚱᚲ 🥦
🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦
🥦See you again!🥦

🍣🥦 Cross Culture - 🍣🥦


💨 Don't get carried away by the Eight Winds 💨
🌬1) Prosperity - 利
🌬2) Decline - 衰
🌬3) Disgrace - 毀
🌬4) Honor - 誉
🌬5) Praise - 称
🌬6) Censure - 譏
🌬7) Suffering - 苦
🌬8) Pleasure - 楽

by @stickupboys

by @doze 🍯🐝🍯🐝


For the best experience view this post on Liketu


Hi @mizuosemla, Christmas is my favorite time of the year, it is very colorful and very beautiful decorations give a different look to the cities.


Congratulations on having a new role at work! That must be freezing cold to be outside especially the night.

Beautiful place. I love it ❤

I love that city ... and adorned with Christmas it looks even more amazing ... I would love to visit it someday…

Man the places are literally so cool...I also wanna come to Sweden, heard that it is extraordinarily beautiful!!