Visit to the convent of alpendurada// Visita ao convento de alpendurada [EN/PT-BR]

in #hive-1637729 months ago


Hello everyone, I hope you are well 🙂 Today, October 5th, is a public holiday here in Portugal and I decided to visit the convent of Alpendurada

I visited this convent more or less 4 years ago. The monastery was in operation and at the time you couldn't enter because it was private, but at the time, as it had a beautiful view, people ended up going in anyway.

This year when we went there, everything was empty and there was no one there, it was abandoned, everything was broken, there were half-broken cupboards too, a bit scary indeed.

But before, nuns lived in this convent. It was a convent of nuns. A view magnificent ❤️

There is also a church where some weddings used to be held and also for the nuns to pray.

Then there was the place where the bride and groom and guests went to take photographs. The place was beautiful, a magical place

There are also some super beautiful lamps, they hadn't been broken in 4 years and I took a really beautiful photo next to these lamps. As I was doing a photo shoot I wanted to see if that place was still the same, but I managed to take a little bit of it. I took the opportunity to take some photos for you to show 🙂

I was a little sad to arrive here at this place and see it in this state. This place is too good to leave. The owner doesn't want to sell it and so it's in this state.

If I could buy and build a big hotel overlooking the river 🙂
After the weather was getting dark, we had already taken some photos with the sunset and then we left as we had a long journey ahead of us.

Along the way we stopped for dinner at Pizza Hut. Pizza is my favorite food and so when I saw it we decided to stop as it was already a little late and we wouldn't be able to get home and cook. Now I'm on the couch writing a little about this wonderful day ❤️

I hope you liked it, see you soon friends 😊


Olá a todos, espero que estejam bem 🙂 Hoje, dia 5 de outubro, é feriado aqui em Portugal e decidi visitar o Convento de Alpendurada

Visitei este convento há mais ou menos 4 anos. O mosteiro estava em funcionamento e na época não dava para entrar porque era particular, mas na época, como tinha uma vista linda, as pessoas acabavam entrando mesmo assim.

Esse ano quando fomos lá estava tudo vazio e não tinha ninguém, estava abandonado, estava tudo quebrado, tinha armários meio quebrados também, um pouco assustador mesmo.

Mas antes as freiras viviam neste convento. Era um convento de freiras. Uma vista magnífica ❤️

Há também uma igreja onde aconteciam alguns casamentos e também onde as freiras rezavam.

Depois havia o local onde os noivos e convidados iam tirar fotos. O lugar era lindo, um lugar mágico

Tem também algumas luminárias super lindas, á 4 anos não estavam partidos e tirei uma foto muito linda ao lado dessas luminárias. Como estava fazendo um ensaio fotográfico quis ver se aquele lugar ainda era o mesmo, mas consegui tirar um pouquinho dele. Aproveitei para tirar algumas fotos para vocês mostrarem 🙂

Fiquei um pouco triste de chegar aqui nesse lugar e ver nesse estado. Este lugar é bom demais para sair. O proprietário não quer vendê-lo e por isso está neste estado.

Se eu pudesse comprar e construir um grande hotel com vista para o rio 🙂
Depois que o tempo escureceu, já havíamos tirado algumas fotos com o pôr do sol e partimos pois tínhamos uma longa viagem pela frente.

No caminho paramos para jantar no Pizza Hit. Pizza é minha comida preferida e então quando a vi decidimos parar porque já era um pouco tarde e não teríamos como chegar em casa e cozinhar. Agora estou no sofá escrevendo um pouco sobre esse dia maravilhoso ❤️

Espero que tenham gostado, até breve amigos 😊


The view is just breathtaking, I wonder why it was just abandoned.

Thanks 😊

You're welcome dear

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Although the site is neglected, it still retains the beauty and majesty of yesteryear. Your images manage to capture how monumental, artistic and welcoming this convent could have been. Greetings, @name0

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Com certeza daria para fazer um ótimo hotel, consegui imaginar também.
Quem sabe você consegue!

Ahaha obrigada 😊

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What a fabulous place! I love the history and the spectacular views, thank you!😀

Thanks 😊


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What a fascinating adventure you had exploring the Convent of Alpendurada! It's always intriguing to visit historical sites, and your descriptions and photos provide a glimpse into the past of this beautiful place.

It's unfortunate to see such a historic place in a state of disrepair and abandonment. Your idea of turning it into a hotel with a view of the river sounds fantastic and would be a great way to preserve the site's beauty and history.

True ❤️
Thanks 😊

That room alone is kind of scary, the rest looks very beautiful, very nice pictures 🙌

Thanks for the comment ☺️