Snow White sleeps in her castle for a longer time. Maybe if her mom asked her to perform home chores and she fell into a deep sleep😂. She is too sluggish to fulfil her order Nah 😅 may be she got bored after washing enormous dishes that's why she doesn't want to awake 🤞. Maybe she gets a dust allergy each time she arranges her books🤧. If books are not studied they become home of dust too. Lol.
So dear snow white if you are going to reside in this age and in this region. I swear you are not going to sleep anymore. No princes would kiss you awake. A Pakistani Mom will toss her slippers to wake you😉.
The noise of neighbours kids fighting for omelette will trigger you. You will jog to make them silent🥴. But their mom will start battling with you with her rolling pin.😵
Might be one of her kids starts playing with your return you will have a gift stuck with your gown. A little chipmunk riding on your gown. Wait what will be your gown colour, hmm it wouldn't be blue instead it would have green or muddy black colour🖤
Polluted and sewage water dispersed in streets will give it this colour. And your nostrils , you would have burnt nostril hairs because of sewage odour🥴. Don't complain otherwise 2-4 ladies would visit your mom's house. They will notify your mom about this sensitivity. Perhaps they will also instruct her to do your marriage as soon as possible 💣
What you will eat for breakfast, hmm don't think much your mom is there to achieve this. You have egg fried, egg tomato, egg omelette, egg potato, egg sandwich, half fried egg, semi fried egg, full fried egg. Oh please don't get fried after this 😁 ask your hen not to give as much eggs as your family is in love with eggs.
Would you like to have something else. You can have everything in your breakfast which was made yesterday night 😂 don't be tense, the refrigerator keeps the food fresh all the time. Although it's turned off all night because of load shedding. Or maybe the electricity bill is enough to tell you " save electricity as it's more expensive than your life ". 💯
Are you planning to reach your work place at time, dear princess, it's not your castle, it's Pakistan where you have to enjoy the ride on local buses. You will not have the desired seat as people from other stops have already occupied them🤞. Hey don't stare at this over populated bus. It's not an issue if 25 people can occupy 20 seats. They are super smart Nah.🤞😁 also wait more are coming who are going to stand. Why are you shrinking? You will breathe confidently.
Only your ears will be offended by sound pollution.buss horns, crying kids, uncle who is spitting pan, aunty who Is doing backbiting of her daughter in law. And last but not the least , the jolts. Be brave, even if it's your pregnancy baby would be enjoying this in an amniotic sac. Tell your baby he /she has to survive in this place. By the way, in this condition, maybe some gentleman will offer you his seat. But you have to shrink for getting this opportunity 🤪 otherwise this Riskshaw is best choice ;
If you are going to leave this place , you can't because people love you so much. In their love you have to do their every work. If you are a zoologist still you should know how to inject humans. After all you have completed your degree, wasted your parents money as you are not going to need this paper degree after marriage.