Greetings people!
It was around 1:00 p.m. when the weather became cloudy, coupled with heavy downpours and a breeze like that of a riverine area. The weather was a typical example of "weather for two". At that time, I wished I was married; I would have closed the office and walked to my house to enjoy the warmth of somebody's daughter, but then, there was no one for me and for us to do "weather for two", not even half of someone, at least to make it "weather for one and half since I can't get weather for two.
I picked up my thick jacket, used it to cover myself to generate the heat that my body needed, and yeah, I was able to forget the desire for someone's daughter.
The rain continued till 3 p.m., and I was feeling hungry. Since no customers were coming because of the rain, I decided to leave to my house and treat myself to a fried potato—I mean, to fry it by myself and eat it—since I'm yet to employ a cook.
I got home, brought out the tubers of raw potatoes, and just about to cut and peel, a thought came, "Why don't you video the process and use it for an article?"
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Oh! What a nice idea. I had wished several times to join the chefs in this blockchain, to advertise my cooking skills, and also to earn millions of HBD, but I don't always get the zeal to do that.
So, I concurred and brought out my phone, positioned it on top of a carton on the table, and clicked on the video record while I peeled the potatoes.
As the process went on, I was doing it excellently—better than a lady—and I was feeling myself. I thought of opening a YouTube channel to publish it when I'm done because I was so sure that the video would give me up to $500 and 5k followers for a start.
As I was spontaneously grinding the processes, the hungry intestines in my stomach began to rumble and cry for the food, as if they were perceiving the aroma of the potatoes on the frying pan. This gave me some stomach-biting, and I had to hasten the process. I stopped the girlie type of cooking and switched to the man's style, where we do everything sharp sharp (very quick with the speed of light).
The frying process was going well, and I was enjoying the moment because I was eating from the frying pan. I would use a fork to pick up three to four slices, use my mouth to blow off the heat, and throw it into my mouth.
I wonder how a lot of people are faithful in this aspect of life, where they don't chew anything, not even a piece, till they finish the process of frying. My hands are up for you guys!
I'm very at fault here; if you stake me in a bet not to eat anything while frying either meat or potato, oh boy, I would boldly fail you.
So, I continued my frying & eating to the point that before I would bring them out of the frying pan, I had eaten all the fried ones. I didn't feel bad at all; after all, I wasn't frying for anyone—no mommy to spank or query me.
Oh yeah, I was done. The plate where I was putting the fried ones was empty, and the frying pan was empty as well. I drank water, got up, and left the kitchen, straight to the bed. I got to the bed and began to search for my phone. That was when I remembered that I was using it to video record myself in the kitchen. I went to pick the phone, checked the phone to see what I recorded and I noticed that the only reasonable spots I recorded were the initial stages before I started eating from the pan.
I failed to get a good video or myself cooking.
We try another time.
Thanks for reading.