in #hive-16416610 months ago

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The most valuable thing on earth is a good relationship, a good relationship will always watch your back and tell you the truth to the face without trying to impress you no matter how you feel because the other party wants the best for you. Any relationship that cannot point out to you when you are wrong is not worth keeping, keeping relationship that constantly praises you even in the midst of your wrongs will certainly drive you to doom.

And so while growing up , you know high school relationship can be so funny, we were three friends that used to walk together ( faith, glory and I) and so faith was involved in a relationship then in school that really distracted her and glory and I would usually call her to order that it was not the right time to engage in a relationship as that posted a serious distraction on her studies, she would behave weird because she felt she was in love ( haahaha no be small love) infact weekends she would follow the boy out of school since we were all boarders and will return two days after, hmmmm of course we both knew she had become a spoilt brat at a tender age.

So one of those weekends she went out during our last term to round up for our high school and returned two days after wearing a ring on her finger ( hmmmmmm🤔 wonders would never end) she came flaunting the ring before glory and I and we both looked at ourselves and bursted into laughter. Glory voiced out saying " wait o faith we no understand the flaunting of this ring and what ring is this because for all I know we have just finished our high school certificate exams and we are all awaiting our results that will lunch us to the tertiary institution so break the news for us is this a fashion ring? or what is it for?

Hmmmm 🤔 silence like the grave yard she excitedly said that the boyfriend proposed to her and gave her an engagement ring. Hahahaha children of this days will not cease to amazed us. Glory and I looked at each other again and bursted into serious laughter for like two minutes, Faith really felt embarrassed by our action and so glory started saying " you mean you collected an embalmment ring (instead of engagement ring 💍) from a boy who has not even started life, who doesn't know his left from right ,faith you are such a disappointment " me I was on the other end laughing o , glory was so angry and left and so from that period faith avoided the two of us till we left high school.

But you see the irony of life , we are all married now and she is not even married to the guy who gave her the embalmment ring accordingly to my friend glory.Good relationships are priceless when we have one lets us hold dear to it.


Lols so she's the only one yet to get married despite getting a engagement ring embalmment ring in highschool.

I think faith just needed counseling at that time and didn't really understand that life is just about to begin and highschool is just warmup for the actual life.

Exactly it was just juvenile delinquency that was showcasing it self in her