My Entry To The Comedy Rumble Week 4: "Scary Night"

in #hive-1641662 years ago

Hola,comunidad, participo por primera vez en este interesante y divertido concurso The COMedy Rumble Week 4, atendiendo a la invitación que me hizo @eduardmartinez, con una experiencia que viví hace varios años y que espero les guste, la titulo "Una noche de terror"

Hello, community, I am participating for the first time in this interesting and fun contest The COMedy Rumble Week 4, following the invitation that @eduardmartinez made me, with an experience that I lived several years ago and that I hope you like, the title "Scary Night"

Invito a mis amigos @lecumberre y @amaponian a compartir con nosotros sus anécdotas que deben ser abundantes y graciosas.

I invite my friends @lecumberre and @amaponian to share with us their anecdotes that must be abundant and funny.

Por mi parte, quiero contarles algo que me ocurrió hace algunos años. Estaba con vida aún mi esposo, que en paz descanse, y mi hijo Luis Felipe (@luisfe) tendría alrededor de 3 años. Acostumbramos mi esposo y yo siempre a dormir con las manos entrelazadas, pero hubo una época en que el niño se despertaba de madrugada, se pasaba a nuestro cuarto, se subía a la cama, sacaba la mano de su papá de la mía y colocaba la suya. Como soy de sueño profundo no notaba yo nada de esto, pero cuando me despertaba a mí vez para ir a orinar, si sentía en la mía una mano grande sabía que era la de Orlando, en tanto que si sentía una pequeñita pensaba "Ah, caramba, ya Luis Felipe se pasó para acá otra vez". La diferencia de tamaño era notoria ya que yo mido 1.42 m. y mi esposo media 1.80 m. Era de manos grandes.

For my part, I want to tell you about something that happened to me a few years ago. My husband was still alive, may he rest in peace, and my son Luis Felipe (@luisfe) was about 3 years old. My husband and I are used to always sleeping with our hands intertwined, but there was a time when the boy woke up at dawn, went to our room, climbed on the bed, took his father's hand out of mine and placed the hers. Since I'm a deep sleeper I didn't notice any of this, but when I woke up myself to go urinate, if I felt a big hand in mine I knew it was Orlando's, while if I felt a small one I thought "Ah, gosh, Luis Felipe has already passed over here again". The difference in size was noticeable since I am 1.42 m tall. and my husband is 1.80 m. He had big hands.

Pues bien, una madrugada despierto y siento mis dedos entrelazados con los dedos de una mano mediana, muy grande para ser del niño, muy pequeña para ser de mi esposo.
Me asusté muchísimo y no me atrevía a abrir lo ojos a ver a quién pertenecía la mano. Por mi mente pasaron las conjeturas más descabelladas, llegué a pensar en un ladrón "pasado y abusador" que se hubiera metido no solo en nuestra casa sino ¡hasta en nuestra cama!, un muerto, fantasma o espanto, un extraterrestre...

Cada nueva explicación que se me ocurría era peor que la anterior y ya lo que al principio era miedo se había convertido en pánico.

Me armé del poquito de valor que me quedaba y abrí los ojos de sopetón para encontrarme con que... los dedos de mi mano derecha estaban entrelazados con los dedos de MI mano izquierda... Yo misma era el ladrón, espanto, extraterrestre o lo que fuera. Me dio un ataque de risa que despertó a mi esposo. Terminamos riéndonos los tres (porque Luis Felipe también despertó con el barullo que armamos) y la noche de terror se convirtió en noche de merienda nocturna ya que la risa nos quitó el sueño y nos levantamos a comer leche con galletas (Eso fue hace más de quince años, antes de la crisis y podíamos darnos eso que ahora llamamos "lujos") y a ver televisión hasta el amanecer.

Well, one morning I wake up and feel my fingers intertwined with the fingers of a medium-sized hand, too big to belong to the child, too small to belong to my husband.
I was very scared and I did not dare to open my eyes to see who the hand belonged to. The wildest conjectures passed through my mind, I came to think of a "past and abusive" thief who had gotten not only into our house but! even in our bed!, a dead person, ghost or horror, an alien...

Each new explanation that occurred to me was worse than the previous one and what at first was fear had turned into panic.

I steeled myself with the little bit of courage I had left and opened my eyes suddenly to find that... the fingers of my right hand were intertwined with the fingers of MY left hand... I myself was the thief, fright, alien or whatever. I had a fit of laughter that woke my husband up. The three of us ended up laughing (because Luis Felipe also woke up with the racket we made) and the night of terror turned into a night of snacks since laughter kept us awake and we got up to eat milk with cookies (That was more than fifteen years, before the crisis and we could give ourselves what we now call "luxuries") and watch television until dawn.

Quizá muchas historias sobre fantasmas se deban a cosas normales que el miedo haya magnificado. Como pasó conmigo en esa "Noche de Terror"

Si luego de leer este relato te sientes motivad@ a participar en este alegre concurso convocado por @comedyopenmic te invito a leer sus bases haciendo clic acá

Perhaps many ghost stories are due to normal things that fear has magnified. How happened to me on that "Scary Night"

If after reading this story you feel motivated to participate in this cheerful contest organized by @comedyopenmic, I invite you to read its rules by clicking here

NOTA: Las ilustraciones son propias, dibujadas en el programa Paint

NOTE: The illustrations are my own, drawn in the Paint program


Thank you, appreciated Sayury. I belong to this community tiem ago Good luck for you.

Ah, well, friend @lecumberre, you're welcome. Thanks for your good wishes. I think I'll feel good around here, I really like humor.

I had chills reading this, because there was this time I felt something move around my body, I thought it was a bug and I don't like bugs, especially the ones that see it fit to climb my body. I fit it as hard as I could. The pain that followed came from me hitting my hand so hard😂😂😂😂

Ha ha ha, we become dangerous to ourselves when we are not fully awake. Thank you, @nelson-george, for your visit and comment.

If I had a nickel for every time I scared myself with what my hands were doing... 🤣

Ha ha ha, @oldsoulnewb... you probably had a small fortune in those same hands. Thank you for your visit.

LOL! I've had small, and even medium sized fortunes in my hands, but unfortunately, they were never mine!

🤣😅😅😂. One of such experiences I had too. I woke up to urinate at night and was looking for my hand. 😂😅🤣

Ha ha ha, thank you, @mrenglish, for your visit and comment.

So, your imagination was even your very self. This is funny. Did you tell your husband when you woke up? I know he would laugh to the last level...

Yes, @cool08, in fact, he woke up hearing my laughter, then we laughed together. It remained as one of our "family jokes"

I once woke up with my finger gently touching my face. It scared me so much I jumped and scratched my own face! 😅

Wow, @minismalholding, the tricks that fear can play on us. It really gets us out of control. Thank you for leaving your mark with a comment. A thousand blessings.

It's so funny that you were actually the thief 😆😆😆
Such a funny moment to you guys and how you felt even before you woke up, I know the fear that must have been in you especially in the dark. Lol

You have shared a beautiful post. May your husband's soul continue to rest in peace.

Thank you very much, @princessbusayo, for your visit, comment and good wishes to my husband's soul. That was a very funny moment and even a long time later, when we were at a meeting of friends at a certain distance from each other, my husband called me: -"Mommy" and when I looked towards him, he made signs with his two hands together and fingers intertwined and laughed at that inside joke.

Imagine using a close by object to hit your own hand before realizing it was actually your own hand 😂😂

This was a funny experience you shared, I'm still laughing...

My condolences to you about your husband, may his soul rest in peace.

Hello, @merit.ahama, thank you for your condolences. It's true that there was a possibility...if he had held a blunt object nearby...Wow, I hadn't thought about that...I was in danger, ha ha ha. Thank you for your visit and comment.

Haha my mind can go too far sometimes 😁