Dave, The 'Cock and bull Story' Lord

in #hive-164166last year

Sometimes getting carried away while in the middle of a serious conversation can be quite funny and disappointing.

It happened to me a few days ago...I was just returning from the market. In the scorching sun and hot breeze, my good friend, who actually was a bit too good at talking and holding lengthy conversations, saw me, and waved to me to wait for him. Well, the frustration of buying my food stuff almost twice the price I budgeted, was enough to squeeze and suffocate all atoms of smile on my face, not even to mention of the blazing sun. But in all this I tried to keep up a fake smile, which weared out every millisecond. Dave finally got to me, trying to catch his breath, and hugging me excitedly like it's been a year since we last saw( this is someone I still spoke with the night before). This whole hugging and embracing began to take too long, and I was beginning to suspect that he needed my help hence the unnecessary welcome...but by the time he spoke up, he made me know how happy he was, for finally figuring out what caused the untimely death of 2 of his chickens that had died 3 months prior( I honestly dont know why someone would be thinking of 2 dead chickens for good 3 months well, that's Dave for you)...I was a bit relieved on hearing chickens( at least he wasn't asking for the little money left on me after my miscalculated shopping).

To be very honest, I wasn't really in for Dave's long talk at that moment, but I didn't know how to get rid of him without becoming the bad friend, so I decided to take the bull by the horn, and sit with him in a nearby canteen, and pray his speech takes no longer than 5 minutes, even though I knew on a normal day, 5 minutes was even too small for Dave's introduction speech lol.

After we had sat, and I had asked the waiter for 2 bottles of cold drinks for my dear friend and I, Dave began with his speech. I had barely drunk past half a bottle, but Dave's voice, which was so tiny even as a guy was wearing my ears out, and drawing me forcefully into sleep's den. Trying my best not to fall asleep, I had looked at Dave talking so energetically without even looking at the face of the person he was talking to...I'm sure he would have stopped talking if only he saw how serious my fight with sleep was.

I nodded at intervals, as if picking some vital information from him, even though my brain was literally crying for forgiveness from Dave. I had thought of several ways to end this boy's story all to no avail...at a point I even thought of faking a faint, just to end this chat with Dave, but then I thought of how that would draw attention to me and so I erased that.
Luckily for me, while I was thinking of a better way to sleep without Dave noticing, Dave brought his long cock and bull story/ observation to an end, but instead of ending it there, he ended with a question— "So Tim, how do we take those boards out?" This question sounded so simple, yet complicated for someone like me who didn't even at any point pay attention to his story...the sleep left me immediately, and I simply just smiled, because I didn't want him to know I didn't hear any part of his story.
Lots of questions resonated in me instantly–"wait, when did we move from chickens to board?",

Photo From Unsplash

"what board is he even talking about...cardboard or teaching board?"

I took a stylish look at him, and of course he was looking straight at me, smiling and waiting patiently for my answer.

Pretending to totally understand him, using the little Albert Einstein gene in me, I combined the 'board' and the 'chicken' words, added a little gibberish and gave back to him as an answer, knowing I had played smarter, I smiled. After several seconds of awkward silence, I knew he was trying to decode the rubbish I had just spoken (something I myself can't explain lol), he instead of asking what I meant, pretended to fully understand what I had said, so as not to be taged the dumb one, and simply replied with a very shaky and confused 'ok'.
Hearing the ok from him, I was so relieved that he didn't ask questions further, and I immediately left him, so as to avoid a second speech from him, and so I could finish up with my adventurous journey in dreamland, right in my room.

Thanks For Reading.


Lol your friend is really a funny guy why would someone be discussing about dead chickens that have being forgotten 🤣🤣.

I really don't know why 😂

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At the end of the day, thank God you have some Albert Einstein gene within you 😂


Some people are like that for real. They can't stay without engaging you into one talk or discussion even if you're tired. I hate such minds.

Glad it's a dream

Human being with different characters you can't take that away from us.

Very true

Something I do a lot.
I pretend I'm listening attentively to what someone is saying but deep down my mind is thinking about something entirely different.

I guess we are partners in crime lol 😂
