KICKMAN, LLC (a web comic)
by Matt S. Law (a web comic creator)
Chapter 29: Skuttlebutt, page 03
Even the most bad-ass super-villain or celebrity started off somewhere and used to hang out with a hobbit blacksmith.
Okay, he's not a hobbit. Villain concept I had for an old Mutants & Masterminds game I was running. A notorious arms dealer that deals in super tech. Injected himself with some super serum that was supposed to increase his muscle density. A side effect was that the increased muscle density caused his skeleton to contract leaving him fun sized. Started going by the street name, Troll.
Peeling back some layers on who or what exactly the Supreme Leader is. With so little info available, how could Grayhawk possibly develop a strategy to defeat him?
I will be in Oceanside, California for about the next month. Hopefully there will be some good firework watching here.
Everyone have a happy and safe New Year's Eve celebration and a great new year!
KICKMAN, LLC is a weekly webcomic written, penciled, inked, colored, lettered, and produced by Matt S. Law. Matt lives in a van, traveling the United States as a full-time pet-sitter. His mobile art studio consists of a Microsoft Surface Pro 7+ and Clip Studio Paint Pro software.
To read Kickman from the beginning click HERE
Here is a timelapse video of this week's comic strip: