As we transition in to "High intesity" warfare on the streets of Europe!

in #hive-1654693 years ago

It is happening!

Right now in front of our very eyes we are witnessing life, minute by minute large scale military hostilities in the Center of Europe, at the historic "rubbing" point where West and East really "collide".


Ukrains importance for perceived Russian security has been well known for a long time! This is understandable, Russia has had to fight of invasions from there twice during the last century!

Understandable does not say "justifieable", and deffinatly NOT by using the excessive force the Russian federation is currently doing!

It is an obvius showcase for the dictators and madmen of the world, encouraging said mothe******fu***ers to buy from uncle "Dimitri" when they go shopping after bombs and stuff to use on theyr own populations! (which is the acttual use of most manufactured weaponty in the world).

There has been indiscriminate artillery bombardments killing children!

That has no militaristic or strategig goal, other than demoiralizing the opponent, in this instance it seeems however to have enraged the population, who stare destruction and death in the face, biting their teeth awaiting "their time" to "take a shot"!


Beutyful Kiev!

Say what you will about the "heroism", most of these people are not trained fighters nor have been in a really violent situation at al, handing out instructions and material for the making of molotov cocktails, is not something a modern democracy should be doing at all!

It looks "cool" for the TV cameras, but these civilians are fighting a professional army, one that is capable of employing some serius weaponry!

As we have been reminded as Mr.Putin has put the Russian Federations nuclear arsenal on the highest of alerts, actually handing Russia the "first attacker" card during an escalating situation, Mr.Putin might be inclined to use his "Big guns" if he feels the existance of Russia threatened!

This is something no one in the west in ready to follow through with and put their nuclear arsenal oin highest alert! You can not hand that initiative to Mr.Putin, he will use EVRYTHING at his disposal, reaching his goals!

We face a new reality there, Germany, France, The U.K. non of em have their old fighting capacity, and it will take time to get those armies in to "fighting" form, rather than being parade pieces and training tools! they have to "taste blood" unfortunatly!

This scenario is likely to be ower in a few weeks with Russian victory and a silent passive west looking humiliated and demoralized afgter one more lesson in "REAL-Politicing" Bischmark style!

My mind is with the Ukranian people in this dire moment of theirs! I know it´s not much, but it is something!



As much as the Ukrainians are suffering from this war, i cant help but think about the innocent citizens of Russia who are currently living in hell, not only because of the war but the numerous sanctions that is making life unbearable.

I absoloutly agree mjy friend!

my simpathy lies whith whomever is "forced" to fight his own bretren, as Russians and Ukrainians, civilianz and military are tied throughout histopry with an bond that is unbreakable. The Russian natyion originally even gaining it´s name from the kievian Rus!

War is hell!

But i understand the Russian position 100% as they have been repeatedly invaded and outgunned on theyr western frontlines and want a back down of NATO expansion to a 1997 line, agreed upon but completely and utterly dis-respected throughout the years as Russia struggled to regain its strengths. Understandable!

But i just wish the militaries refrain from indiscriminate bombings of civilians. Also its a morale killer for a soldier fighting an armed civilian opposition!

My simpathy at the moment resides with evryone touched by this war!

Mr. Eythorphoto