russian troops want to turn Mykolaiv into ruins and destroy people. Chronicles of war

in #hive-1654692 years ago

159 days of russia's full-scale war against Ukraine. Living in Ukraine is when you are woken up from sleep by an air alarm instead of an alarm clock. Fortunately, I woke up not to the sound of an alarm, but to the sound of a ship leaving the Odesa port. Although the first thought was that it is not the ship that gives the signal, that is how the alarm sounds during an atomic explosion. Damn it, when will everything go back to its place? Although, the world will still not be the same as before. And we will not be the same as we were before February 24. And now briefly about the main thing.

159 доба повномасштабної війни росії проти України. Жити в Україні — це коли тебе вириває із сну повітряна тривога замість будильника. Сьогодні на щастя я прокинулась від звуку не тривоги, а виходу корабля з одеського порту. Хоча перша думка була, що це не корабель дає сигнал, а так звучить тривога під час атомного вибуху. Чорт візьми, коли вже все повернеться на свої місця. Хоча, світ все одно не буде таким, як колись. І ми не будемо такими, як були до 24 лютого. А тепер коротко про головне.

Mykolayiv. Today I am dedicating my post to this city. Recently, russian troops have been actively shelling it and trying to destroy it, as they did with Mariupol. All over Odesa, we are actively rooting for Mykolaiv and trying to help in all possible ways, because today they are the shield of our city.

Миколаїв. Присвячую сьогодні свій допис саме цьому місту. Останні дні російські війська дуже активно обстрілюють його та намагаються знищити, як зробили це із Маріуполем. За Миколаїв ми всією Одесою активно вболіваємо та намагаємось допомагати всіма можливими методами, адже на сьогоднішній день вони щит нашого міста.

Usually, the russian army "likes" to shell Mykolaiv at night or in the morning. Still, on July 29, they decided to be original and released cluster charges around 10 o'clock in the morning, which caused them to hit a public transport stop. As a result, 7 people died, and 19 more sought medical help. Two dogs were also killed - a labrador and a dachshund. People went to work, and dogs simply walked. And death.

Зазвичай російське військо "любить" обстрілювати Миколаїв вночі або під ранок, але 29 липня вона вирішили стати оригінальними та випустили касетні заряди близько 10 години ранку, через що потрапили біля зупинки громадського транспорту. Внаслідок потрапляння загинуло 7 людей, ще 19 звернулись за медичною допомогою. Також було вбито двох собак - лабрадор і такса. Люди їхали на роботу, собак просто вигулювали. І смерть.

Photo Source - Twitter

And this is what the secret NATO base in Mykolaiv looks like. Or a bio laboratory. In any case, there were definitely a lot of foreign mercenaries, Nazis, and LGBT Satanists. And please do not take these words of mine as disrespect for the tragedy or mockery. The protective reaction of my body to such things is sarcasm on the subject of myths that russia tells about us.

А ось так виглядає таємна база НАТО в Миколаєві. Ну чи біолабораторія. В будь якому випадку там точно було дуже багато іноземних найманців, нацистів та ЛГБТ сатаністів. І прошу не сприймати оці слова мої, як неповагу до трагедії чи глузування. Захисна реакція мого організму на такі речі це сарказм по темі міфів, котрі про нас розповідає росія.

Photo Source -

On the night of July 30, after 01:00, one of the sleeping areas of the city was shelled. It is known in advance that one person died, and six were injured. High-rise buildings suffered significant damage as a result of the shelling. People were just sleeping.
On July 31, Mykolaiv was subjected to the most massive shelling during the entire period of the full-scale war. russian troops fired about 40 rockets into the city.

Вночі, 30 липня, після 01:00 був обстріляний один із спальних районів міста. Попередньо відомо, що одна людина загинула, шестеро - зазнали поранень. За наслідками обстрілу значних пошкоджень зазнали багатоповерхівки. Люди просто спали.
31 липня Миколаїв зазнав наймасованіших обстрілів за весь період повномасштабної війни. російські війська випустили близько 40 ракет по місту.

Photo Source - Bykvu

Photo Source - Bykvu

Photo Source - Suspilne Mykolaiv

Photo Source - Suspilne Mykolaiv
On the night of August 1, after 01:00, Mykolaiv was once again subjected to massive shelling. Currently, it is known that private houses and yards were damaged, as a result of which three people were injured.
As a result of the shelling, a fire broke out on the territory of the medical dispensary. A humanitarian warehouse with medical drugs and food burned down. No victims.
The trauma centre of one of the hospitals was also destroyed, four buildings, a medical vehicle were damaged, and windows were broken. No victims beforehand.

Вночі, 1 серпня, після 01:00 Миколаїв вкотре зазнав масованих обстрілів. Наразі відомо про ураження приватних будинків та подвір’їв, внаслідок чого поранення отримали троє людей.
Внаслідок обстрілу виникла пожежа на території медичного диспансеру. Згорів гуманітраний склад з медичними препаратами та продовольством. Без жертв.
Також розбито травмпункт однієї з лікарень, пошкоджено чотири будівлі, медичний автотранспорт, вибито вікна. Попередньо без жертв.

Photo of the destroyed medical facility. Source -





Oppressed and oppressor no one ever wins in war!

@tipu curate

@joanstewart War is scary, terrible and absurd. But Ukraine cannot surrender. If we surrender, the killing and destruction of us will not stop.

Keep lecturing this despicable individual about "war is bad, mkay", I'm sure they're receptive to that especially when they have no problem with lying and claiming that Russia bombed Donbass.

Are you suggesting Ukraine stop fighting?

Do you realize that Russian Forces haven't entered Mykolaiv, but that doesn't stop this despicable person from making a collage of the victims which are clearly gunned down, and blaming Russia? Victims who were more than likely murdered by Ukraine?

Are you a fool? russia is steadily dropping cluster bombs on Mykolaiv, which, by the way, are prohibited by the Geneva Convention.
This is a special type of bomb, which is characterized by thin walls. It consists of a tip, a body, and a hollow shell. This form is filled with small fragments, aircraft mines, and mines of various purposes (anti-tank, anti-personnel, incendiary). In one ammunition, the total mass of such dangerous equipment can be up to 10 kg.
Such bombs affect a huge area. After it hits somewhere, it breaks and small particles fly out of it, which can easily fatally injure a person. Go read how this type of bomb works, and then you will tell something here.

Keep lying, you must think people are idiots to conclude that the munitions depicted above are what caused the damage to the victims. Despicable!

Those aren't cluster bombs, they clearly don't have any explosive residue or marks and nothing else is damaged, no cars, or objects have any such damage, and its evident by the bus stop glass, clean bullet holes and the bench is intact. Stop lying. Meanwhile, Ukrop drops petal mines on civilians and your side has Zero evidence to show along side the alleged victims of cluster bombs, zero shrapnel or fragments, something that should be embedded in a very distinct radial pattern spraying out from the epicenter of the initial explosion, an explosion which would also leave burned and blacked marks.

Cluster munitions are massive and create massive damage, and they would more than likely injure many times more people than those they kill since the fragments are dispersed over VERY LARGE AREAS, not only are there no wounded reported, no fragments or shrapnel but there's absolutely no indication of damage to the numerous objects and vehicles, trees and pavement, everything is intact.

Each cluster bomb is composed of 200 to 700 bomblets. When each bomblet explodes, it fragments into approximately 300 pieces of jagged steel, sending out virtual blizzards of deadly shrapnel.

You despicable liar calling me a fool that doesn't know what a cluster bomb does:

Depending on the wind conditions and the altitude at which the submunitions are released, each bomb container can cover an area of up to 861,120 square feet with submunition strikes.

When the submunitions explode, they cause injury and damage across a wide area. The blast of one submunition can cause deadly shrapnel injuries in a 65-foot radius and injure anyone within a 328-foot radius.

Moreover, many of the submunitions fail to detonate upon impact, leaving behind large numbers of hazardous explosive “duds.” These duds are akin to landmines, injuring and killing civilians and contaminating the land long after conflicts end. The percentage of unexploded submunitions from each canister varies, but can be as high as 30%.

Those people were gunned down, that dog as well. You have absolutely no shame.

Жахливо бачити такі кадри. Дуде болить душа за людей які помирають в цій війни


Those people looked like they got gunned down. How can Russia shot those people in Mykolaiv if Russia is nowhere near that? Why do you post such obvious nonsense, blaming Russia for shooting the people? Even the bus stop clearly is shot up, has clear bullet holes.

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