На що здатне людство? / What is humanity capable of? (UA-EN)

in #hive-1654692 years ago

Останній скандал з відвертим проросійським пропагандистськім звітом від Amnesty International наштовхнув мене до певних роздумів. Чим конкретна людина та людство в цілому готове виправдати цинічні і зухвалі масові вбивства десятків тисяч невинних дітей, жінок, старих і молодих, навіть тварин? Грошима, шантажем, хвилюванням за власну кар'єру чи добробут, релігійними переконаннями, одержимістю певними ідеями, розумінням істини, расовою, мовною чи культурною відмінністю, байдужістю через далеке географічне розташування, інакшими поглядами, холодом взимку, підняттям цін, страхом перед кінцем світу? Можете щось додати від себе...
Але чи це не вказує на те, що людство деградує і чи ми маємо право називатися людьми? Чи, можливо, потрібно шукати нові визначення новому виду?
Бо людство неначе направило свій розум не на подолання причин і наслідків війн, а на їх виправдання...


The latest scandal involving an overtly pro-russian propaganda report from Amnesty International got me thinking. How is a specific person and humanity as a whole ready to justify the cynical and daring mass murders of tens of thousands of innocent children, women, old and young, even animals? Money, blackmail, concern for one's own career or well-being, religious beliefs, obsession with certain ideas, understanding of the truth, racial, linguistic or cultural difference, indifference due to a distant geographical location, different views, cold in winter, rising prices, fear of the end of the world? Can you add something of your own...
But does this not indicate that humanity is degrading and do we have the right to be called human? Is it necessary to look for new definitions for a new species?
Because humanity directs its mind not to overcoming the causes and consequences of wars in the world, but to their justification...


Nobody believes your lies. The whole world is waking up to the Rapes, Murders and Terrorism carried out for 8 years by Nazi.


Written by Esha Krishnaswamy. Originally published by The Gray Zone

Once condemned by Ukrainian officials and imprisoned for sadistic torture and the rape of minors, leaders of the notorious Tornado Battalion are free under Volodymyr Zelensky’s orders.

After banning virtually his entire political opposition, publishing a blacklist of foreign journalists and academics accused of advancing “Russian propaganda,” and ramming through a law exempting 70% of Ukrainians from workplace protections, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenksy has freed from prison fascist militants convicted of some of the most heinous crimes the country has seen since World War II.

According to a July 11 report in Ukrainian media, Ruslan Onishenko, commander of the now-disbanded Tornado Battalion, was freed as part of President Zelensky’s scheme to release prisoners with combat experience. Along with an unwavering commitment to fascism, Onishenko is known as a psychopathic sadist who was involved in sexually assaulting children, brutally torturing prisoners, and murder.

Onishenko’s release follows a February 27 order by Zelensky to free other convicted former Tornado members like Danil “Mujahed” Lyashuk, a fanatic from Belarus who has openly emulated ISIS and boasted of torturing captives for sheer enjoyment. According to Zelensky‘s decree, prisoners with combat experience would be allowed to “compensate for their guilt” by fighting in the “hottest spots.”

Back in 2015, when the Ukrainian state provided official support to his Tornado Battalion, Onishenko texted two fellow “patriots,” Voldomor and Svetlana Savichuk, propositioning Svetlana Savichuk to “suck my cock in front of the [toddler] children.” (See screenshots of the conversation here). He also asked Savichuk to perform lewd acts on her children for his viewing pleasure. Despite the magnitude of his crimes, which included torture, murder, rape – including that of children – kidnapping, amputation, and more, Onishenko was sentenced to a mere 11 years in prison on April 11, 2017.

Now, after serving just five years of his sentence, the convicted predator has been freed by a president hailed by Western patrons as a defender of democracy.

Zelensky’s move is not just a signal of desperation as his military is ground down by Russian forces in the east. It extends the virtual impunity that Ukrainian battalions infested with hardened criminals and neo-Nazis have enjoyed for over eight years as official enforcers of the post-Maidan regime’s rule.


Людство і розвивається, і деградує водночас, як би це дивно не звучало...
А війна усіх втомила (отих, які далеко географічно і думають, що їх це не стосується). І всі бояться рашку. Наша надія лише на Бога.