¡Saludos amig@s de la Comunidad de @motherhood 🥰👨👩👧👧!
Feliz de estar con ustedes para contarles como les toco a mis hermosas hijas crecer sin abuelos. Mi esposo perdio a su madre a los 11 años y su padre se alejo de ellos muchos años y no supo de el hasta que fallecio y nunca logro ver a sus nietas. Mi madre fallecio a pocos meses después de mi graduación y mi padre aunque conocio a mi hija mayor, cuando nacio la menor ya el tenia alzheimer y era poco lo reconocia de la realidad y fallecio al estar mis hijas bien pequeñas.
Como ustedes deben saber los abuelos son aman a sus nietos con toda su alma y los cuidan y protegen mucho más que los padres, en el sentido que quieren que esos pequeños sufran bajo ninguna circunstancia y se mueren por consentirlos a toda hora. Ese gran amor no lograron tenerlos mis hijas, pero gracias a la bendición de Dios, logre consolidar un feliz matrimonio con un hombre que adora a sus hijas y juntos le hemos amado a nuestras hijas por nosotros y los abuelos que le cuidan desde el cielo.
Greetings from the @motherhood Community 🥰👨👩👧👧!
Saludos amig@s de la Comunidad de @motherhood 🥰👨👩👧👧
I am happy to be with you to tell you how my beautiful daughters grew up without grandparents. My husband lost his mother at the age of 11 and their father moved away from them for many years and never heard from him until he passed away and never got to see his granddaughters. My mother passed away a few months after my graduation and my father even though he knew my oldest daughter, by the time my youngest was born he had Alzheimer's and had little recognition of reality and passed away when my daughters were very young.
As you may know, grandparents love their grandchildren with all their soul and take care and protect them much more than parents, in the sense that they want those little ones to suffer under any circumstances and they are dying to spoil them at all times. My daughters were not able to have that great love, but thanks to God's blessing, I was able to consolidate a happy marriage with a man who adores his daughters and together we have loved our daughters for us and the grandparents who watch over them from heaven.
Imaginense la inmensa responsabilidad de cuidar de una bebe sin tener a mi madre a mi lado, pero ella fue una gran mujer, mi idolo en realidad, logro criar a cuatro hijos del primer matrimonio de Padre más ocho hijos propios. Yo soy la hija menor y me toco vivir junto a mi madre los cuidados de mis sobrinos, gracias a todos lo que aprendi y que afortunadamente mi padre allí estaba cuando nacio la pequeña Natasha, logre tener la fortaleza para cuidar a mi pequeña sin desesperarme. Así cuide de las dos y siempre tuve la idea de fortalecer ese lazo de hermanas desde niñas. La diferencia de edades entre ellas son cinco años, pero igual trate de que la convivencia fue igual.
Imagine the immense responsibility of taking care of a baby without having my mother by my side, but she was a great woman, my idol in fact, she managed to raise four children from her father's first marriage plus eight children of her own. I am the youngest daughter and I had to live with my mother to take care of my nieces and nephews, thanks to all that I learned and that fortunately my father was there when little Natasha was born, I managed to have the strength to take care of my little one without despairing. So I took care of both of them and I always had the idea of strengthening the bond of sisters since they were little girls. The age difference between them is five years, but I still tried to make them live together in the same way.
Bajar una fiebre a los bebes lo aprendi con mi madre, lo primero es evitar que suba la temperatura a la cabeza para evitar convulsiones, ella acostumbraba a ponerles aceite en la palma de los pies, y luego colocaba una media con cafe en polvo, con eso a los pocos minutos se baja fiebre, sin necesidad de darles baños muy frios a los niños. A pesar de crecieron sin abuelos y lejos de la familia, porque nos mudamos de cuidad, por asuntos laborales, logramos atender en toda instancia a las pequeñas, y tuvimos que aprender muchas cosas como padres juntos.
I learned with my mother how to lower a fever in babies, the first thing is to prevent the temperature from rising to the head to avoid convulsions, she used to put oil on the palms of their feet, and then put a sock with powdered coffee, with that in a few minutes the fever is lowered, without the need to give very cold baths to the children. In spite of growing up without grandparents and far away from the family, because we moved to another city for work, we managed to take care of the little ones in every instance, and we had to learn many things as parents together.
Tratamos en casa siempre de darle lo mejor a las dos, y de marcar diferencias en lo que le damos a una y otra, le hemos enseñado que todo en la vida cuesta, y por eso las hemos apoyado en todas sus etapas de estudio, hemos estado alli en las fechas importantes para crear momentos inolvidables en familia.
At home we always try to give the best to both of them, and to make a difference in what we give to one and the other, we have taught them that everything in life costs, and that is why we have supported them in all their stages of study, we have been there on important dates to create unforgettable moments as a family.
Natasha, es la mayor y hoy día nos ha dado la satisfacción de graduarse de bachiller y de estar estudiando en la Universidad, se conforma con todo lo que le podemos dar y nunca nos exige nada. Y Samantha la pequeña ya tiene dos promociones de preescolar y sexto grado, esperamos y confiamos en que tendrá la oportunidad de alcanzar otras etapas con éxito.
Natasha is the oldest and today she has given us the satisfaction of graduating from high school and studying at the University, she is satisfied with everything we can give her and never demands anything from us. And Samantha, the little one, already has two promotions of preschool and sixth grade, we hope and trust that she will have the opportunity to reach other stages successfully.
Esos temas de los abuelos de consentir lo aplicamos en casa, papá y mamá, la idea es turnarnos para consentir a las niños mientras el otro reprocha, así como hacen los abuelos, que le consienten a pesar de lo que no piense. Lo importante es que mis niñas han tenido el amor multiplicado para que no sientan el amor de los abuelos. Esperamos mi esposo y yo tener la dicha de ser abuelos y ser consetidores de los nietos.
The idea is to take turns to spoil the children while the other one reproaches them, just like grandparents do, who spoil them in spite of what they don't think. The important thing is that my girls have had the love multiplied so that they do not feel the love of the grandparents. My husband and I hope to have the joy of being grandparents and to be the grandchildren's counselors.