Happy Day = McDonal's Day 🍟 ● Un detalle por sus esfuerzos - A token of appreciation for their efforts.

in #hive-165757 β€’ 9 months ago

Bienvenidos πŸ’• | Welcome πŸ’•


Hola amigos de Hive 🩷 espero que se encuentren muy bien. Aqui les comparto un pendiente que tenia con mi hijo por su excelente cierre de proyecto, le habia prometido que le daría un regalo y se me ocurrió que fuera, ir por un McDonald's algo que no come siempre pero le encanta.

Hello friends of Hive 🩷 I hope you are very well. Here I share with you a pending that I had with my son for his excellent project closure, I had promised him that I would give him a gift and I thought it was, go for a McDonald's something that he does not always eat but he loves.



Fuimos a un McDonald's que queda cerca, Lyam llego muy contento haciendo su cola y esperar el turno para pedir, se decidiΓ³ por una cajita feliz y como era de esperarse un helado como postre todo para llevar porque no nos podiamos quedar el acepto asi con tal, ya tenia su cajita feliz en mano.

We went to a McDonald's nearby, Lyam arrived very happy doing his queue and waiting his turn to order, he decided for a happy box and as expected an ice cream for dessert all to go because we could not stay there, he accepted so he already had his happy box in hand.



A los niΓ±os hay que incentivarlos y recompensarlos por sus esfuerzos asi ellos se sienten mas motivados de seguir haciendolo mejor cada dia y lo mas importantes que se den cuenta que sus padres valoramos todo lo que hacen y que queremos que sigan avansando.

Children should be encouraged and rewarded for their efforts so that they feel more motivated to continue doing better every day and most importantly that they realize that their parents value everything they do and that we want them to continue advancing.




β™‘ ImΓ‘genes y textos son propiedad del autor
β™‘ EdiciΓ³n: Canva - Picsart
β™‘ Traductor: DeepL

β™‘ Images and texts are property of the author.
β™‘ Editing: Canva - Picsart
β™‘ Translator: DeepL