Todas estas actividades no solo han sido para los niños y representantes de esta institución educativa sino que han sido actividades abiertas a la población en general para así llegar un poco más allá y dar a conocer este tema a toda la comunidad. Para finalizar la semana pasada realizaron una caminata por la calle principal de la Asunción, isla de Margarita - Venezuela donde no solo fueron niños con condición de autismo sino también niños Asperger síndrome de down y niños con alguna dificultad motora, para esta actividad los niños asistieron con su uniforme de colegio y fueron con sus lindas pancartas y globos llamativos luego realizaron una pequeña exposición en la plaza principal de esta localidad.As we all know, this month of April is a month that in recent years has been dedicated to raising awareness about autism and currently in educational institutions and some community organizations different types of activities are carried out to raise awareness and promote acceptance and respect for diversity.
As you all know, I am the mother of a little prince with non-verbal level 2 autism who is currently studying in a special education school which has dedicated itself to carrying out a large number of activities such as talks, forums, cinemas, conversations. , walks, walks, dance therapies, exhibitions among many other activities.
All of these activities have not only been for the children and representatives of this educational institution but have been activities open to the general population in order to go a little further and make this topic known to the entire community.
To end last week they took a walk along the main street of Asunción, Margarita Island - Venezuela where not only children with autism were present but also children with Asperger's syndrome, down syndrome and children with some motor difficulty, for this activity the children attended with their school uniform and they went with their pretty banners and flashy balloons, then they held a small exhibition in the main square of this town.
To start this week you can see my little and beautiful prince making a cute banner with a green hand with which they also worked on the theme of caring for planet Earth.
This same day an invitation was sent that was published both by groups and social networks as well as in some strategic points of the population. This activity was carried out today and was titled "a legal and human look within the autism spectrum" And for It was supposedly aimed at students, teachers, parents and the general population.
Actividades como estas que son dictadas por especialistas en el área son de Gran importancia llevarla no solo a las instituciones de educación Especial sino también a las instituciones de educación general pues es allí donde más hay desconocimiento de este tema. Yo mientras pueda siempre voy a asistir y apoyar todas estas clases de actividades en pro del bienestar de Mi pequeño y de todos los niños con necesidades especiales, además siempre me ha gustado estar allí apoyando a mi pequeño y que él pueda mirarme en cada actividad al igual que su padre quien siempre está allí y él pueda sentir que estamos con él y que lo amamos lo apoyamos y siempre estaremos con él en todo momento.Imagen de la institución CAIPA
Activities like these that are taught by specialists in the area are of great importance to take not only to Special education institutions but also to general education institutions because that is where there is most ignorance about this topic.
As long as I can, I will always attend and support all these kinds of activities for the well-being of my little one and all children with special needs. In addition, I have always liked to be there supporting my little one and for him to be able to watch me in each activity. Just like his father who is always there and he can feel that we are with him and that we love him, we support him and we will always be with him at all times.
El contenido en esta publicación es totalmente original y Todas las Fotos son de mi autoría y fueron tomadas con mi Celular Redmi 9Next week is the closing week and although they have not yet informed us what the activities to be carried out will be, I know that for the last week they always leave the best part. I hope and trust that these types of activities will continue to be carried out not only in the month April but throughout the year since this is a topic of great importance since every day the number of people within the autism spectrum increases who hope to be accepted and supported in this society.
And so my dear and appreciated friends, today I wanted to share with you a little of what my days have been like with my little one in his special activities. I hope that these simple photographs are to the liking of all of you. I say goodbye for this opportunity, thanking me for your visit. and wishing you happiness.
The content in this publication is completely original and all the photos are my own and were taken with my Redmi 9 cell phone.