Another weekend experience with my little kids

in #hive-1657578 months ago


I feel happy to be able to accompany them this weekend, amidst my busy life, being able to share time with them is a blessing. I think almost every mother wants to have free time with her children. Work is an obligation, but time with family is a must. No matter how busy the working hours are, they must be able to be together, at least on weekends.

Saya merasa senang bisa menemani mereka berakhir pekan kali ini, ditengah kesibukan, bisa berbagi waktu bersama mereka adalah anugerah. Aku rasa hampir setiap seorang ibu ingin memiliki waktu luang bersama anak-anak. Pekerjaan adalah kewajiban, namun waktu bersama keluarga adalah keharusan. Tidak peduli betapa padat waktu jam kerja, kebersamaan bersama mereka harus bisa diwujudkan, minimal di akhir pekan.









This time I tried to spend the weekend at a playground in my city. Here I can spend time accompanying them to play for several hours. And you don't need to worry about the hot weather outside, because this vehicle is equipped with adequate air conditioning for air conditioning.

Kali ini saya mencoba menghabiskan waktu akhir pekan di wahana bermain di kota saya. Disini saya bisa menghabiskan waktu menemani mereka bermain hingga beberapa jam. Dan tidak perlu khawatir akan cuaca panas diluar, karena di wahana ini sudah dilengkapi air conditoner yang memadai untuk pendingin ruangan.


Being able to accompany them once a week like this is very enjoyable, I feel they are comfortable and cared for. The time we spent here was around 3 hours and I think they were satisfied playing almost every ride that was here.

Bisa menemani mereka seminggu sekali seperti ini sangat menyenangkan, saya merasa mereka nyaman dan diperhatikan. Waktu yang kami habiskan disini sekira 3 jam dan menurut saya mereka puas bermain hampir setiap wahana yang ada disini.









That's my weekend experience with my children this week, hopefully next week I can still make time to be with them with other fun experiences at the weekend.

Itulah pengalaman akhir pekan bersama anak-anak saya minggu ini, semoga minggu depan saya masih dapat meluangkan waktu untuk bersama mereka dengan pengalaman menyenangkan lainnya di akhir pekan.


Who is ericha?

Erika Fridayani is my fullname, I am a teacher and just a wife with two children. On Hive just want to share of blog I have every day and hope get many new friend. You also could see my first post on hive here

Hive Gift by @doze


It is really important to give the family a space within the obligations, and even more so when you have children.
For them, being able to share with us is fundamental.
It's great that you take the time to be with and for them, even if it's only on the weekends.

Yup, that's my bad when I lose time with them, so weekend just be the option to be gathering where we want to go.

Beautiful family. Children grow up so fast so it's a good thing to always spend every moment with them when the opportunity comes. I'm glad you shared this with us. Happy family.

I agree. Every moments must be here with them and for the last; never walk alone of them.

True. Time is precious