12 Reasons To Tell The Truth

in #hive-165757last year



Its not always that simple for many people. Lying is often made to seem glamorous, as when the liar gets the money, the girl or boy and the praise. Telling the truth isn't always easy, that's one of the reason people lie- its easier at that moment than telling the truth.

If you see a friend stealing makeup from the store, should you comfort your friend, let the store manager know, or just shush up and let it go away?

With thorny questions like these, people sometimes need help understanding why it is imperative to tell the truth. For starters, here are the dozen reasons you should tell the truth;

  • Truth is right - lying is wrong. It's that simple. Almost every culture, and religious system recognize and teach this moral truth.
  • Lies will come back to haunt you- You can't hide from your lies, you can sweep them under the rug for a while, but in an hour, a day, a month, or a year, they will wiggle back out on the floor into daylight for everyone to see.
  • Lies weigh you down- If you lie about a friend or aquaintance, You know you lied. You feel bad , you wonder what they knows and wether the will confront you or not. In a way you become a fugitive, running from the lie you told.
  • Lies prevent you from developing as a person- You might easily spend time, energy, and worry on lies instead of concentrating on friendship, learning, joy, and having fun. Plus, each lies makes it easier to tell the next lie and harder to tell the truth. Lying tends to become a habit.
  • Truth enhances your Reputations - If you work hard at telling the truth, other people will notice. They will also respect you for it, because they know how difficult telling the truth can sometimes be. Eventually they will come to you for honest opinions and answers to problems because they know you'll tell the truth. They will also know they can't get those truths from any other peers.
  • Truth will make true friends for you- Friendship is built on shared interest, caring for each other and honesty, or telling the truth, among other things. If you tell the truth, your relationships with friends will flourished and those relationship will plant deep roots that won't be torn out by the first storm that comes along.
  • In truth, you will feel better about yourself- Truth is a gentle, healing sponge that keeps your conscience clean and spotless, and you happy. This does not mean that you won't have anguish, be tempted, be filled with fear, or even sometimes lose friends at least people who called themselves your friends- through telling the truth.
  • Truth makes you a better Person- If you choose to tell lies, then you will probably begin to choose other wrong directions in Life. One violation can lead to other kinds of violations-lack of respect for your body to drinking, smoking, doing drugs, lust, desire for new products to stealing and so on.

If you choose truth, that means you are making positive, clean, strong choices that will lead you into a straight but better and happier way of Life.

  • One truth-telling makes the next one easier- Telling the truth requires practices. Each truth-telling strengthen you for doing the right and truthful thing the next time. Each one gets easier, until telling the truth becomes second nature to you.
  • Your truth makes it easier for others to tell the truth- You become a role model, when friends and aquaintance see that you walk taller, have more confidence and win friends because of telling the truth, they will try to model that behaviour.

Being truthful makes it easier for others to be truthful with you, and it is through knowing these truths. That you can make changes to accomplish many of the things you want to accomplish in Life.

  • You'll be different- Truth-tellers are few and far between.
  • You have to live with yourself- People who often ask, who'll know? When it comes to stealing things or telling lies. The answer is; You'll know. You will lose respect for yourself. You will feel worse about yourself.
Because of being human, everyone falls short of always telling the truth. But if you try hard, and are gentle and kind and caring, when telling the truth, you'll gain friends, fame, and riches in your personal life that you can't now imagine.

And that's the Truth.


im sorry i cant see how this is motherhood related content. so i will mute.