From the moment my son was born the sack of guilt begins to fill up; sometimes we feel guilty for certain things like when you leave him for a second in bed and he falls, the truth is I never thought he could fall so small I remember he was 8 months old that day I felt like the worst mother in the world I cried with him in fact the fall was so terrible that after an hour he vomited I felt so bad I took him to the doctor for fear that something bad would happen to him luckily it wasn't serious.
On the other hand, when the complementary feeding begins and you live a scare that I never thought would happen, since I was always very aware of the size and shape of the food, but from one moment to another he swallows a plum seed I remember that my son was as if nothing had happened, in fact he threw the seed away when he digested it, it was horrible that day I felt guilty and even said that if something happened to him I would not forgive him.
I also felt guilty when I first left him with a friend, I felt like I was a bad mother because I had never left him with anyone other than me, I was so nagging calling every time he told me to stop nagging that he was fine and nothing was going to happen to him; however I still struggle to leave him with someone else.
The same happens when another child hits you and you can't do anything about it, since he is also a child, this has happened to me many times and I feel extremely guilty for not preventing it from happening. The truth is that I wish I had a thousand hands and a thousand eyes, we shouldn't be so overprotective even though that's what new mothers are like.
Without leaving behind the first day that I went to work and left him with an acquaintance that I am paying her to take care of him, this has been the biggest guilt feeling during these 21 months, at the moment I am dressing him to take him until I go to pick him up, it is very hard for me because since he was born he has been with me 24/7 and leaving him with someone else is difficult but I have to do it.
In conclusion since our children are born we open a little box of guilt which will be situations that you will feel guilty, I feel that most mothers are like that we feel guilty if something happens to your baby; although we should not be like that, because that is the life of a child there will be days where it will fall and it is not our fault even so we feel guilty.